People who I would like to hear from before I leave this world:
If you know any of these good folks please have them contact me: Pete Jefferson
From Roanoke, Virginia
Al or Jean Sweeney. I heard somewhere years ago that Al had passed on, possibly when he and Jean were living in Atlanta. There was a nice young couple who ran around with us but time has erased their names. Check the picture and see if you recognize them. I was also dating a student nurse during this period but, again, time has hidden her name. It was a good time in life.
Jeannie Rainey. I believe Jeannie and Gene Rainey were married in 1962 or 63 in Roanoke, Virginia.
Brenda Rainey or her daughter. Brenda was married to Gene Rainey (Harry Eugene Rainey) when he was living in Huntington, WVa in the early 1970s and had a daughter who I never had the chance to meet. Would like to say hello and see how her life has been.
Darlene Elizabeth Rathgen. Darlene was married to another good friend, Eddie Whorley (Douglas Edward Whorley). Eddie died in 1970 while married to Darlene. They worked in Washington, DC and I believe that Darlene's family was from the surrounding area. It is too bad that I don't have a picture of them.
Woodrow Wilson Jr High Class of 1958. I was too much of an idiot to appreciate the time at Woodrow Wilson (Roanoke, VA) but all of my memories are pleasant ones. There were some very nice kids there and I would like to say Hi to them. Please write.
Helen Bane or Bain or Baines and Bonnie (don't remember her last name). We worked at the Grandin Theatre on Grandin Road in Roanoke, VA in the late 50s when I was 15 - 16. They were a little older and very nice. That was the best job anyone could have when they are young. I would like to say Hi and see how their lives have turned out.
Beverly Medley. First love. Well, one of two. Sweet girl and just wondering how she has fared in life.
Janet Bonham. First love. You know how it is when you're 15. Saw her once with her son in the late 70s or early 80s and said hi. Again, just wondering how her life has turned out.