Does Magic Exist?
Can we alter the fabric of reality with words or thoughts as in casting magic spells? After all, when we talk of magic spells and such, that is what we are talking about. Is there a combination of sounds that humans can reproduce vocally that will cause a rift in time to change an event so there will be a alternate event take place?
Is there magic that perhaps changes atomic structure to make things happen such as changing a group of cells to either make a person ill or make them well? We take things for granted today as just ordinary science that only a hundred years or so ago would possibly have had you hung as a witch. To your great grandfather, television would be pure magic.
As much as you hear about magic, have you ever actually been involved in something magical? I doubt it. A fair portion of our beliefs in magic derive from ancient legends. As most legends have some basis in fact, could these legends of magic be based on science from one of the civilizations that existed before the dawn of our memories? Our ancestors would have no way to explain the old knowledge except to tell stories about the "magic" possessed by the old ones. These stories keep getting passed along because they play to something deep within us and we want to believe.
We talk about magic. We play video games full of magic spells. We see movies about magic. I would suspect that if you did a survey of people from ages 10 to 40 you would have a majority of folks believing that some form of magic does exist.
I wouldn't want to offend anyone but if you believe in God and our modern religious dogma then you most assuredly believe in magic. People are healed of diseases. They are raised from the dead. Wine turns into water. Oceans part so people to cross. (Never mind that the mud would be several feet thick!) You know the list. And no, no matter what you say, religion is not different from anything else. You either believe or you don't.
There are a number of people who show up on TV at times to pooh-pooh the idea that anything like ESP or magic could exist and yet if you ask them if they are religious, most of them would say yes. Can't have it both ways. They have every right to uncover fraud but they tend to lump everyone on one pile and claim that its all bad. On Sunday morning they show up for church and soak up the miracles. Go figure.
What do you think? Write to us with your opinion.