SubAtomic Physics

The Atom


     What in the world, you might ask, is an opinion on subatomic physics doing on a site dealing with psychic matters?

     Good question.  This may be one of the shortest pages as I would like to explain one of the reasons that we (humans) may soon be moving through time and space with ease.  Not being remotely connected with anyone knowledgeable about the subject of subatomic physics, I have received what little misinformation I have from hundreds of books and thousands of magazines I have read over my life.

     Throughout the past 30 years little bits of information have emerged that reinforce my belief that we and everything in the universe have a connection.   Everything that exist from a rock or human or star or cosmic dust cloud is made up of essentially the same stuff.  At subatomic levels there are blurred lines between where one thing ends and another begins.  That sharp knife blade is really very fuzzy and full of empty space.  The as yet discovered massive amounts of energy that bind us together interacts in a manner that allows us to influence the world around us to some extent.

     On a larger human scale we know that if a person dies or just holds up traffic on the highway, history is changed.  The ripples of our every action will flow through the rest of time for whatever good or bad it brings.  The past few years have brought about changes of thinking about the subatomic worlds due to research on a variety of items.  The one experiment that really influenced my thinking about time and space travel was about measuring electron actions on a very small path.  It seems that sometimes the electron arrived at its destination before it left the starting point.   I'm certainly not here to explain that experiment but the moment I heard or read about it I knew that the seemingly totally incompatible worlds of physics and spirits moved a step closer to mutual understanding.

     If we are to believe in the Uncertainty Principle (which in some weird way suggests that we aren't really here) or Bell's Theorem (which states that once joined, particles will forever influence each other) then some mighty strange things are happening at the subatomic level.  Stranger than any science fiction writer could imagine just a few years ago.

     As the mysteries of the subatomic world unravel over the next 20 to 30 years, life for us is really going to change.  Rearranging molecules to make stuff.  Put some dirt or trash in the chamber, select whether you want a hamburger or a computer and the thing will go to work arranging the energy for you. 

     You might want to see what happened to the dinosaurs so when you tune into the Discover or History channels, you will see the real thing as it is happening.  Imagine watching the world develop 10,000 years at a pop as we look back through time through a true insta-cam.  And of course it will all be powered by your non-polluting, tap water powered, fusion reactor that came with the home built in the molecular machine.

     All of this will also tie into the spiritual world as we will suddenly be able to see and measure things that scientists today say don't exist.   Our limited vision of five senses will expand many fold.  As we pull back the veils we may be able to talk to departed loved ones.  Travel and colonization onto other world will be common place.  It will be fun to watch alternate dimensions to see what our counterparts are doing.  After all, they may be watching us now!

What do you think?

Write to us!

Pete Jefferson
