
I Hate Teletubbies

In case you haven't already guessed, I hate Teletubbies. We must all band together to prevent the world's youth from growing up watching these stupid extra-terrestrials with TVs in their bellies (who the hell thought this up?). If we don't stop the insanity, the world will be filled with stupified children whose vocabulary consits of such words as: "Eh-ohh"(hello?), "Oook"(look?), and "Bimbledy-cheese"(I have no ***** idea what that is supposed to mean). So please join us in our crusade to end the madness.

Time for tubbie bye-bye!!!!!

Laa Laa is going to...

And Po will...

Dipsy must...

And Tinky Winky...

If you have any anti-teletubbie artwork, or have any idea what "Bimbledy-cheese" means, email me at:

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This site is owned by Daniel.