lomas.gif (5469 bytes)

Resume: On August 6 of 1997, around 16:00 P.M. a person than since now remains as anonymous on the communications media apparently for personal reasons, has recorded a clasic "Flying Disc" shape object, since now after many tries to discualify the authenticiy of the video, there aren`t sufficient proofs to deny the case, the only posibility of making a so false evidence is by computer with a very expensive and hard to find software, like the programs that are used in Hollywood to make the best animation effects.

Selected actions for this case:

- Lexicon-emotive analysis.

- Video still analysis.

- Video analysis.

- Lexicon-emotive analysis.

This analysis permitts:

1: Detect the concordance between the audio and the video.
2: Classify the emotivity of the event and validate it.
3: Analize phrase to phrase and interpret it to find the coherence between the dialogs.

this analysis gives a positive validation to the case.

- Video still analysis.


-Over positive and negative stills.
-Format Conversions.
-Pattern recognition.
-Image analysis.
-Caracteristics extraction.
-Image processing.
-Edges detection.

The objective of this Analysis is to find detalis to help de research.

The video stills are processed for aquire amplifications and observe with better sharpness the form of the object, later the stills are worked with special filters for photografic analysis by computer to detect any details and find distortions between the frames and determine any mounting or any animation process by computer.

The objective of freezing determinated video sequences, is to find a best sharpness of the image through the computer, with this we want to find a best quality of the aquired images and having a better information that is not easy to perceive with a simple view or with the speed of the video itselt.

Once made the last descript it wasn`t found some evidence of computer processing, this analysis can´t discualify the case.

-Video Analysis

The video signal is passed through a  computer and stored on it, its possible to process this signal with special software and obtain a new signal that is sent again to the videorecorder, this experimental process let to aquire information that in other way it could not be posible with a simple video analysis.

From this analysis the following parameters are determined:

-The video is accidental and now planned.
-Is evident that the object affects the zone when it passed, because there are some distortions perceived in the light specter sourronding it.

The most important points are:


- The movements of the object (internal gyro and extreme sustentation, ondulation and navigation above the air).

Other important points:

The object climbs in an unexpected trayectory, it is not influenciated by an air mass.

It doesn`t depents from the air to remain suspended.

It haves a Rotatoty-Oscilatory movement.

Is evident a manuver and a change of direction.

This object is not on his habitual element.

Aparently exists a force that interacts between the object and the ground that fights again gravity force.

When the object swings it manipulates a field.

The movements are independent from the external field, the propulsion system is in some way including antigravity, what indicates a non common technology as the used actually.

Combined internal and external movements.

The external movement is unstable with the tendence to a balance (unstable flight), we can speculate the the movement is similar to the generated by the interaction of a magnetic field.


Under this video analysis is evident and interaction of the fields of the object ifself, and the sustentation field under the object with two control points in the extremes, this points of join of field, interact with the ambient, generating in the edges zones of more density of energy, creating intermintent light efects that are generated during the displacement, also in the video is possible to see actions of acceleration and breaking (like when a car is accelerated and braked), the control points and specially the frontal, starts to make a light frecuency, appreciated like flashes, that I interpret like energy concentration and changes of control in the fields.

What it could be in the case to be false?

Special hibrid effects (by computer or video), with new technology.

Note: The effect of passing the object behing the buildings, is very important, it needs to be repeated in the diverse tries of reproduction.

It`s necesary to try to reproduce the video with the described ways and submit them to the same proofs.

If it`s false it`s one of the best frauds.

Important points to note:

1- The object is big.
2- There are reference points.
3- There is daylight.
4- Below the horizon line.
5- Coherence of voice and video.
6- Apparently exists a radiation as a consequence of persons close to the object.
7- It was perceived by animals.
8- There are witnesses

Points Against:

1- It`s anonymous.
2- The duration.

* It would be convenient to have more videos and acceptable witnesses.

The obligated questions in the case of being a fraud are:

-Why somebody made it?
-Who expended time, money and "brain"?


This objects make procedures over the Mexican Air Space and the use a field that affects the visible light specter like a camouflage,what it means,are invisible to our eyes, for some cause the object lost that property, what it made visible for some seconds.

The fact of the existence of this video is itself a way of adecuate our thinking to the possibility of that this beings are closer that we think, if it`s fraude or not, it is not so importan at this moments, the important to me is that it spreaded in our mind the seed to pass to a new level of contact.

It`s evident that we are now much more prepared to accept this possibility than in the past.

Note: The analysis are based only in the observation of the video.

Lexicon-Emotive Analysis (show as is on the video)

-Camera man.

Line 1: ¡Aqui lo tengo! Expresa lo que ha logrado enfocar. (Emoción)

Line 2: ¿Pero que pedo? Expresion común entre los jóvenes para determinar que algo esta pasando.

Line 3: ¡Se ve pocamadres! (Emoción) Expresión que indica que observa algo que llama la atención.

Line 4:No lo creo guey, no mames. (Incredulidad) Expresa a su compañero algo que es anormal.

Line 5: Se ve perfecto (Seguridad) Existe conciencia de que esta viendo algo

Line 6: No mames (Incredulidad)

Line 7: ¡Se ve perfecto, ¡orale! (Seguridad-asombro)

Line 8: Puta, ¿estas grabando cabrón? ¿tomando? (Expresiones de asombro y nerviosismo. Miedo a que no se este tomando porque no les van a creer)

Line 9: Si, está el foquito prendido. (Confirmación)

Line 10: ¡Puta Madre! (Asombro total)

Line 11: Puta, se ve padrisimo. (Emoción)

Line 12: ¡Ve esa madre! ¡que pedo cabrón! (Asombro, nerviosismo, confusion)

Line 13: ¡Que bárbaro! (Asombro)

Line 14: ¡No mames! No es un avión esa madre. ¿que pedo? ¡no mames, cabrón! (Asombro, confusión, nerviosismo

Line 15: No lo veo. (Confusión)

Line 16: A ver, echale del otro lado. (Apoyo para seguir la observación)

Line 17: Se metió detrás de ese edificio, espérame. (lLocalización del área de desaparición para continuar grabando.

Line 18: Del otro lado. (Sigue el apoyo para continuar la observación)

Line 19: Ya no está.
