My "Other" Friends

Massachusetts People

Eric Reuss

Anne's boyfriend, and a wonderful, though silly, person himself. And no, I will /not/ return to the shuffleboard court!  The first time I met Eric, he was playing Captain Leif Eriksson in my first LARP.  It was...interesting.  Especially since I had no idea who this strange man was.  We have become much better friends now, partly because of Anne.  I enjoy playing in games with him, because I have rarely seen someone who gets so completely into character and stays there.  I have had screaming arguments with him, been in love with him, and been certain he was out to kill me.  And at the end we can still talk things over about why things happened the way they did.  Or just continue as if it had never happened.

Keri Reuss

Eric's sister.  I met her in the same LARP.  She is horrendously busy right now doing web design, I think, so I never see her.  Actually, I think the last time I saw her was at Intercon XIV, though I could be wrong on that.  In any case, Keri is a bright cheerful person, and another one of those that I would like to be around a little more often. 


Well, his real name is John Trussell, though I didn't know that for the first 6 or so months that I knew him.  One of the many GMs for the first LARP I was in.  Notice...a theme... He is a very comfortable person to be least when he isn't clobbering me in Hand and Foot.  He is always interested in new games, and generally has fun playing anything once.  He is one of the few people I've met who knows how to play Spades, though he doesn't do bridge.  *sigh*

Estes Park People

Mary Alyse Adams

One of my first friends in Estes.  I met her because Theresa Pauley decided I needed a friend, and so I was adopted into her clan.  She is now engaged and will be getting married this June.   I hardly ever see her, mostly because I'm never in Colorado anymore.

Sarah Pauley

Theresa's little sister.  I know Sarah a little better if only because I see her a little more often than Theresa.  Last Christmas she came down to my parent's house, and we watched movies and talked for most of the night.  I hadn't done that in a long time, and it was a blast!

Theresa Pauley O'Byrne

My first friend in Estes Park.  If anyone thinks I'm shy now, they should have seen me in high school.  Theresa was in my Spanish class and after not making any friends in my first week, she invited me to come and eat lunch with her group.  I became rather firmly entrenched, and, though I haven't seen most of them in years, I am happy to have them as friends.  She is off living in the wilds of Ireland right now and loving it!

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This page last updated 02/16/2000. If you have any questions/problems, please write me.