USS Saratoga Fan Fiction (Star Trek)


The Sentinel (Coming Soon)

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FanFic Page


There are going to be many different types of stories on the following pages.

Star Trek

The Star Trek stories are based on clubs that were formed in the Seattle/Tacoma area of Washington state. The names of the starships are the actual names of the clubs. The names of the characters are the actual names the person chose for their persona.


I've been thinking of some Emergency! fan fiction and so has my husband, so as soon as we get time, we'll add that too.

Other FanFic

I hope to have some other fanfic on this site as soon as I finish writing it. *laugh*

Most likely, there will be fanfiction from THE SENTINEL, as well as some other TV shows.


You are officer # to report to this site, since stardate 9811.08.

*Copyright © 1998 Dana L. Marshall
*All Rights Reserved