Darge Sulee Hadra Higlise Sang Nise!
Today I
am a warrior I must show you my heart!
No Chou-Hadra may harm or allow to be armed a fellow Chou-Hadra
Any Chou-Hadra must answer a call from any other Chou-Hadra
No Chou-Hadra
may betray or work against the best interests
of their
declared faction
All Chou-Hadra must hold true to any oath
No Chou-Hadra may harm innocents or allow them to be harmed
An insult to the Brethren is an insult to all and cannot be tolerated
Those who
have fallen must be remembered and their spirits guarded
(No Chou-Hadra
will allow one of the group to be raised as undead and our death rituals
are set up to prevent this)
All races,
save the unliving and dishonoured are equal
and should
be shown honour
No member of the Chou-Hadra will knowingly break any of these rules, unless by breaking a lower rule they up hold a higher rule. For example, if harming an innocent would save the life of another Chou-Hadra then the individual involved may choose to break this lower rule, although they will still be accountable for their actions.