Welecome to my Dragonlance Page. I hope you will enjoy the resources and links available here, as well as share ideas on how the current campiagn is developing in this "Fifth Age."
Dragonlance Resources
See great kender excuses and other RPG humor
This is a great tool for Krynn campaigns. It keeps track of the lunar cycles for you, and the date at that.
I have been playing anasolon and taladas based campaigns for years now. I am a big fan of the dragonlance series, and have supported it with consumer funds, fan mail, and even this page.
Now, the powers that be have decided to revamp everything, remove the cardinal law of evil that it shall consume itself with the "Knights of Takhisis" and the wizards of the "gray" robes, and launch the series into a fifth age.
Does this sound odd to anyone but me?
And what's with the cards? This is D&D, not Magic, furthermore, I would like to point out the basics of probability to any confused souls out there, a deck of cards distributing "Hands of Fate" can not possible generate a uniform random distribution function. As cards are removed, the total number of possibilities decays factorially.
So now, let's take a look at the average dialog transpiring in a SAGA game. Our players are a mage, thief, cleric, and warrior. They have just been through a vicious fight with some minions of evil, and while plundering booty from said baddies, the worst of them all comes out....
Cleric : Oh Geez... what is that thing?
Warrior : Pretty ugly, whatever it is!
Thief : Well Warrior, off you go then, kill it good!
Warrior : But, I don't have the right cards, I have some hearts, think it feels like talking.
Thief : You have a "Holy Avenger", don't you?
Warrior : Yeah, but I need a 6 of swords to hit this thing, and I'm going to have to wait 'till I can draw off the deck again. Let's be diplomatic.
Mage : I have the nessecary Sword cards, can I pass them off to you?
Warrior : No, but a fireball would be good...
Mage : No, the only high cards I have are swords. Looks like I'll have to break my dagger of scratching the surface +2
Thief : Cleric, Can you heal mage as he battles that green goopy thing?
Cleric : Sorry, no cards. But if he fails, I have the cards to be fleet of foot...
I think it's kinda silly, that players should be able to know what they'll "Roll" before they declare their action. See with dice you always had this realm of uncertainty, where a 1st level character just might take down the giant, and 20th level characters just might get an unlucky blow to their cranium! So all I'm trying to say is that despite the many arguements I've heard praising the SAGA system for increasing role-playing in the game, I have experienced and seen the exact opposite, where SAGA enforces ROLL-playing, that being the type og game where the players think about the numbers first, instead of acting out on what would be their characters instincts.
Any comments, opinions, or maybe just some advice for an old school game, write your opinion in my new Dragonlance
Message Board!