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Adventure 4 : Enter Stegron
At the gates of Saha’s Citadel, the party members were stripped of their weapons, and brought before Saha’s Captain of the Guard. Despot began to act up, disliking the confining feeling of Elvish security, and he became violent quickly. The Elves subdued him, and took him down to the mental wing of their hospital. The rest of the party was allowed to travel about the citadel. Kavinau, upset that his only ally was in the hands of Elf constables, took Kinjitsu as the next best thing. Kinjitsu, marvelously indifferent, would not mind his strange ranting on the power of blood.
It was a fine time for the good aligned members of the party, a terrible time for those evil.
Ulrich and Doggirl were eventually received with hospitality, allowed access to their weapons, and given privileges in the training room after they recovered from their wounds.
Dalron, expecting to be punished for his failure, was brought before Saha, who commended him for a wise decision, and gave him a secret mission. He and his new found party were to escort a caravan through the broken lands and into Galantri. This was Dalron's cover story. He was inform the rest of his party on a need to know basis. Once in Galnatri, he would make his way to the capital, and contact the Wizard Thames, who would have answers to this time of trouble in Alfheim. Dalron accepted this mission, and began making preparations to cross war-torn Darokin, and then the cursed Broken Lands.
A far worse fate awaited poor Despot. He cackled and screamed while the Elven clerics treated his wounds, and soon found himself bound to his bed. He attempted to use his powers to force the Elves to free him, but only worsened his situation, and he was isolated. Then it was only a matter of days before Despot was committed. They asked Dalron, the ranger, if he knew where Despot was from, Despot’s homeland. Dalron thought about humurously suggesting the seventh level of hell, but wisely replied "No." They asked Ulrich, the former Darokin City constable, and Ulrich answered that he had "no clue" where Despot were from "originally", not wanting Despot to be sent back into Darokin City. So the Elves decided Dwarves belong in Rockhome, and sent him off there.
Meanwhile, Kinjitsu and Kavinau had recovered from their won wounds, and set about exploring the fortress. It lended itself as much to military might as to public service, and the gruesome twosome soon found a Gnomish convention taking place inside. The Elves were thoroughly amused with the show, watching the Gnomish design explode from their iron cast chaises into colorful balls of light and smoke. There was one Gnome in particulair that caught Kavinau's eye. A gullible little guy in a traditional illusionist's cloak, with a long sad face. The wicked mage approached the Gnome, and introduced himself, and from there the conversation had a life of its own. The Gnome's name was Stegron, and he was NOT an illusionist, as he would forcefully tell anyone who would ask. His father was terribly disappointed that he chose to follow the more traditional, "jack-of-all-trades," form of magic, and Stegron wore the garmet to avoid embarrassing his father at the convention. Kavinau went back over to Kinjitsu and arranged a plan to steal a spell book from one of the Elven mages, and frame this little Gnome for it. Then both of them silently made their own plans to doublecross the other and be the sole possessor of the booty.
The gruesome twosome told Stegron that Mages in the Elven kingdom LOVE to share their magics with others, and it was perfectly okay to borrow a book from one of them, and furthermore a person need not ask. In fact, they told Stegron, asking permission may be considered patronizing. The three of them followed a mage onto a lift, and Kinjitsu strategically placed Stegron closest to the mage. Stegron reached up clumisly toward the Elf's spell book, and the Elf demanded to know what he was doing. Even more suprised and startled than the enraged Elf, Stegron thought it would be wise to introduce himself and state that he too was magi. Kinjitsu and Kavinau sunk their heads, and pressed themselves up against the lift's walls, expecting the worst. Then Stegron began to show off his spell of "Cantrip" to the Elf. The Elven mage, feeling a bit superior after watching the Gnomes clown about their inventions in the chambers below, laughed so hard he almost fell over. Then Kinjitsu made his move, and snatched the book from the mage's backpack. Kavinau, encouraging the Elf by laughing with him, stopped the lift and excused them all. The Gruesome twosome rushed out, leaving Stegron very confused. An hour later the three of them were caught red-handed with the Elven Mage’s stolen spell book. Kinjitsu and Kavinau tried to blame Stegron, but all three were thrown into the stockade.
Dalron was quicly informed of the goings on, and rushed to the stockade. Dalron talked to each of them, and decided to let the Gnome go. To Dalron's dismay, the Elves had found peculiar markings over Kavinau's body, and it was decided that he was a disciple of a forbidden magic. Somehow, Dalron was not surprised. Kavinau's being a what the Elves called a "Blood Mage" seemed to fit his character.
Dalron was going to just kill Kavinau right there. However, Dalron realized he'd make a great interpreter for his upcoming trek through the Broken Lands, and took Kavinau's spell book to hold over his head, until the party reached Galantri.