The Oracle summoned Optimus Primal and reformatted him and his Maximals
into their techno-organic forms. It is with his communion with the Oracle,
that Optimus Primal is able to see visions. The Oracle is able to appear
and disappear at will. Within the Oracle lies...
Vector Sigma first appeared in the Transformers episode "The Key to Vector
Sigma." It was revealed in that Vector Sigma was a supercomputer buried
deep within Cybertron's core. Vector Sigma also had the ability to bestow
life to Transformers, when activated by the Key to Vector Sigma, which
was guarded by the ancient Autobot, Alpha Trion (who became one with Vector
Sigma when he died). Vector Sigma gave life to the Stunticons and Aerialbots.
Some time after the Great War, Vector Sigma declared itself as the omnipotent
god of all Transformers (as seen in Beast Wars Neo). Not only that, but
Vector Sigma had also established itself as the supreme consciousness of
planet Cybertron (Sabretron). This attracted Unicron's attention who came
to Cybertron and possessed Vector Sigma, making Cybertron his new body.
Unicron was ulimately stopped by Lio Convoy and Big Convoy.
Some time after that, Vector Sigma merged with the Matrix and became
the Oracle (perhaps to prevent Unicron from possessing it again). It's
possible that the Oracle's sentience is actually Vector Sigma. There are
two reasons for this -- first of all, Vector Sigma has always been sentient
(Vector Sigma once told Optimus Prime, "before Cybertron was, I was").
Secondly, Vector Sigma is able to commune directly with other Transformers.
In Beast Wars Neo, Vector Sigma often communed with Big Convoy. We see
the Oracle doing the same thing in Beast Machines.
Above: Rhinox has become one with the Matrix.
The Matrix was first seen in the Marvel comics. Decepticon leader Shockwave
beheaded Optimus Prime in order to use the Matrix to give life to some
Decepticons. The Matrix was seen in a physical form in "Transformers
The Movie," where it was revealed that it was the only thing that could
destroy Unicron. The comics later revealed that the Matrix contained a
portion of Primus' life essence.
In Beast Wars, the Matrix was referred to as a realm where deceased
Transformer Sparks rested. This follows on from Optimus Prime's line in
Transformers The Movie, "soon I shall be one with the Matrix." In Beast
Machines, the Matrix is clearly shown as a countless collection of Sparks,
manifest within the Oracle. |