The Constitution of Lothar
Lothar Meyer created the original modern Periodic Table, as we know it today. The Periodic Table has approximately 100 naturally occurring elements. These 100 or so naturally occurring elements make up all that is known in the universe. Everything in the universe is on the Periodic table. Therefore the Tribe of Lothar contends that Lothar Meyer is the creator of the universe, and, therefore rightly deserves credit where credit is due.
The Tribe of Lothar’s members are named after the five noble gasses. These gasses are the independent of all of the elements. Other members deemed worthy of joining the Tribe would be named after the alkali metals. These people will look up to the noble gasses, because on the periodic table, all elements want to become like the noble gasses. Lothar Meyer is hydrogen on the periodic table. He is hydrogen because hydrogen is most abundant and easily combines with other elements. It is also the first and main element. This also gives way to the fact that Lothar is all around us, and we need Lothar to live.
Other things like isotopes and man-made elements are things that do not naturally occur on earth. Things like half size shoes, Neapolitan ice cream and hot dogs are examples of isotopes.
The Tribe of Lothar’s primary goal is to inform the public of this old, but relatively unheard of theory. We want Lothar Meyer being taught in elementary schools along with analytic geometry, and advanced biology. We believe that the Lothar Meyer evolution theory is the best known theory today.
Lothar Meyer, Hydrogen Argon Krypton Neon Radon Xenon
Currently, the Tribe is seperated. All five fathers are furthering their education at area colleges. Neon and Argon are attending Ohio University, Xenon is attending Ohio Northern, Krypton is schooling at Miami of Ohio University, and Radon attendeds Bowling Green University. During these times meetings will still occur, and the Tribe will continue.
-Neon, September 23, 1999-
Scroll down to our THEORIES to read our ideas about Y2K
Based on a unanimous vote by Neon and Neon alone, (I make the page, I can do what I want) I have voted that THESE women are the best looking female celebrities so far in 1999. My votes go to Britney Spears and Anna Kournikova (so far).
Here is Ohio's 13th District Representative Sherrod Brown endorsing the presidential shirt of the Tribe's party.
Twenty-Fifth of February, 1999
The Twenty-Fifth of March, 1999
The Twenty-Second of April, 1999
The minutes of each meeting will be added when more meetings happen.
Main Theories of the Tribe of Lothar
What are Water Towers Really Used For?
Why the English Alphabet Needs to be Changed!
These are theories that have been sent to the Tribe by avid readers. The Tribe has not yet discussed them, but will in the near future (If Krypton decides to show up for a meeting anytime soon). The Tribe would like to know what you think.
Y2C-A great site published with some interesting new ideas.
Click Here to join the Tribe
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Last updated June 18, 1999
The Black Project-A great page with lots of conspiricies.
The Freak's Page-Just an all around cool site.
The World's Best Conspiricies-The name says it all.
The Fairview Cult-Local group, funny stuff, not serious.
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