
If I Can Dream

by: Midge Smith, August 16, 1992

The sun has not quite risen to start out this new day.

Today will mark the fifteenth year that one man went away.

Oh, how I do wish that I could turn back the clock

To the day that boy first sang giving a new meaning to the word "rock".

Travelling back to the good ole days of "Blue Suede Shoes",

When a young rebel swivelled his way to the front page news.

Much fear among the parents' of teenage girls was felt,

Because when he sang, they watched their little girls' hearts melt.

They tried to ban his music, and they called him a fool.

His only answer to them was please, " Don't Be Cruel".

As time went on, he proved himself to all.

The duties that he performed went far beyond the call.

Serving his country, giving to charity..., to name a few...

Gained him the love and respect that was ong overdue.

He kept the values of his Mama, and the way he was raised.

The same man that was once condemned is now being praised.

His popularity grew, and it threw him in jail.

No crime was committed; noone could pay bail.

How can you buy a man's freedom from the fans who just love him "Too Much"?

They would give anything to get close enough for one simple touch.

The threats on his life kept him secluded and confined.

His despair he kept hidden, and we remained blind.

The feeling of lonliness became more than he could bear.

He grew tired and weary of playing the game "Solitaire".

He was being smothered and felt himself start to die.

The time had come for him to tell his life and the world goodbye.

He wanted his fans to know, so he left clue after clue.

In his own way he tried to tell us, "Softly, As I Leave You".

He's gone now, and the world will never be the same.

Who is to say what, why, or who is to blame?

Hopefully, one day soon the King will "Return to Sender"

And sing to us again his beloved ballad, "Love Me Tender".

Now the sun has come up and brought the day of pain.

Fifteen years ago today, the world cried tears that made rain.

It's now the sixteenth day of August, Nineteen ninety-two;

My prayers and hopes of his return is all I have to pull me through.

I can't turn back the clock; the time I can't redeem,

But I can only hear the words still echoing, "If I Can Dream".

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