Ever since Pokémon was released back in 1998, it has become a force not to be reckoned with. Shortly following was Pokémon Pinball, Pokémon: Special Pikachu Version, Pokémon Snap, and the ever popular Pokémon Trading Card Game. The trend is still not over yet...The Pokémon movie is still awaiting release, AND the highly anticipated Pokémon Stadium is just around the corner! Wow! Too much to handle at once! Wait, wait, catch your breath, there's at least one more surprise...the long-awaited SEQUEL to Pokémon Red/Blue. Drumroll please...Pokémon Gold/Silver version. Need I say more?
Title Screen
Marill vs. Togepi
Main Screen
Nidogod vs. ???
Elekid vs. Nidoran Male
Charizard vs. ???
??? vs. Hoo-Hoo
...in town...
Snubble vs. ???
???--I don't know the name of these particular Pokémon, but if anyone knows, please kindly point it out to me. Thanks.
Game Facts: