1. You must agree to stop theft, and advertise our banner on your page to show you are a member. If you do this, we can work a way to recruit more members, and prevent theft on the net. If you do not have a page, no problem! You can still join. But you need to spread the word out through e-mails or something
2. If you own a site, it must be PG or below. We do not want to see violence, racism, sexists, porn, etc. Anything not suiting to stand for this site. It would be a shame to us, as well as the members.
2. You must not have a stolen creature of any type. If I see you do... well... zip
3. We don't want chain letters, or junk mail. We *HATE* that stuff, so PLEASE don't send it
4. Please fill out the entire form. It will be rejected if somethings missing. Please fill it out correctly. I will not waste my time looking for your correct URL or email address, and so forth.
5. If the form doesn't work, just copy off what it says and paste it on an e-mail. Send it to SPCCC@hotmail.com
6. If you have a page, you *MUST* link us with our banner(Check Logos).
7. Just press "send" once! Not a million times! Once is ENOUGH!