Welcome to Dimensions4
I have spent many nights looking into the sky. picking out a few constellations and smiling. Watching a shooting star streak across the sky and wishing for something. Often on television I see shows about aliens. How extraterestials come to this earth and abduct people and do experiments on them. Releasing technology we have only dreamed of. Hiding like we sometimes wish too. Do they exist? Well lets just say they do. At least they do here.
I sat around mind drifting off into daydreams. I love daydreams you can go anywhere you want, be what every you want. I often dreamed of fantasy worlds with magic and love and kingdoms. Knights on horse back. Maidens waiting for you. Creatures you know will never exist. everyone knows fantasy worlds are just that fantasy. Do they exist? Well here in this Dimension, lets say they do.
I have created this game for every one of all ages to enjoy a world that is totally Sci-Fi and fantasy. You have many choices of job classes and charecter races. This is a Roll Playing Game. I hope you enjoy using your imagination to go on adventures before you and enjoy this creation I call...