A large selection of books are available on this subject matter. Click banner to search for available titles, read description, book review, and/or purchase online. Flying Saucers - Then And Now: Nazi weapons or the new "Final Solution?" As early as 1943, German engineers and scientists had proposed and built several disk shaped aircraft. For the most part, these aircraft were conventionally powered by Jumo axial flow turbine engines. It is possible that one or more of the several designs built were powered by some electro-magnetic force or cascade type engines. It seems likely that some of the aircraft were remotely guided (RPV's), were extremely fast and highly maneuverable. Other models were flown by human pilots and it is remarkable to note that, in at least one drawing, the pilot is standing up, rather than strapped into a seat! Before we jump to the conclusion that the aircraft was surrounded by an anti-mass field rendering the craft and crew massless, we might suggest that this particular model (Rudolf Schriever's "Flying Top") was simply a low-flying, slow and cumbersome jet "helicopter." It was certainly not very aerodynamic. When some disks came into close proximity to Allied bombers, the bombers would sometimes experience electrical and instrument malfunctions. Aircraft bearing radar sets might lose signals. Electronic gun aiming devices might fail. It is clear from the reports that German scientists were using technology that was 25 years or more ahead of our own. But it was human technology, not "alien" technology. That is why the Nazis were not able to destroy the advancing Allied bombers and ground troops with these saucer shaped aircraft. One of the greatest problems Germany had during the latter stages of the war was their inability to produce sufficient numbers of reliable jet engines. Had they been able to do so, and had Hitler utilized his jet aircraft as fighters rather than bombers, the outcome of the war might have been far different than it was. Before the fighting was even over, teams of American, Soviet, British and French investigators were combing the countryside searching for German hardware and engineers. The Soviets captured nearly all the disk shaped aircraft that had not been destroyed along with most of the engineers and support personnel who had been working on the project. American and British intelligence reports indicate that at least one model of saucer was destroyed with its blueprints to prevent it from falling into the hands of the advancing Allied troops. But others were probably recovered, some intact, and shipped with thousands of other German aircraft and ground weapons to America for back-engineering studies. Ground support personnel, engineers and scientists, pilots and ordnance personnel were also kidnapped and brought to America to develop weapons for the U.S. arsenals. Some of those weapons, years, decades ahead of American technology, were the flying saucers. It seems likely that at least one model of German saucer may have been back-engineered and flown by a large aircraft manufacturing company in the Pacific Northwest, somewhere around Seattle, Washington. While there is no hard proof for this suggestion, several sightings in an area within the flight range of early German jet engines is, at least, evidence from which we should begin an intelligent investigation of those reports. To bring you up to speed on circular all-wing aircraft, the first such craft photographed and recorded was in 1910, seventeen years before Charles Lindberg flew the Spirit of St. Louis solo across the Atlantic Ocean! This crude wood and fabric disk actually flew with a pilot hanging precariously beneath it; the first "alien" aircraft! That captured German technology advanced American science by 25 years is beyond doubt. We might speculate that unreported German technology may have advanced American and Soviet science as much as 50 years! The Philadelphia Experiments may have been attempts by the US Navy to test German theories on matter transportation. The rocket back-pack was developed from German ideas to transport their ground troops en masse using these personal little jet boosters! Waffen storm troopers would have rained from the skies, crossing front lines at will day or night! But how does this relate to the modern UFO phenomena? Is there a connection between German disk aircraft of the Second World War and V/STOL aircraft we see today flying from and to Nellis AFB? Are developments of German saucers flying the skies now? If so, to whom do they belong? I think there can be no doubt that saucer shaped nuts and bolts aircraft reported as UFOs are refinements of German disks of WWII. While some attempts had been made to refine these craft during the years immediately following the war, the project was probably put on hold for a number of years until modern computers and modern composite materials were available to use in the construction and guidance of these craft. If anti-mass fields have been developed for use on moving craft, these disks could travel at extreme high speeds and perform extreme maneuvers without harm to the airframes or to the crews. Without anti-mass fields, the extreme maneuvering aircraft would fall into the category of HIMATs (Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology) and might be unmanned (remotely piloted). At least a half-dozen aircraft in this category are being tested at Area 51 at any given time. Some of these craft are disk-shaped or "Flying saucers,", ovate ellipsoids and/or Spanloaders (Flying Wings). Others are fairly conventional airframes constructed of composite plastics and RAM fibers or with RAM coatings. But even very conventional USAF aircraft like the F-16, fitted with vertical canards, can now perform maneuvers so extreme that they could render the pilot unconscious for long periods of time, even to the point of death. These aircraft are fly-by-wire systems and a computer takes over if the pilot