Tom Paris!!!
This site is dedicated to the Helmsman of the Starship Voyager, Ensign Tom Paris!! (Should be Lt.)!!!
Here are some links to other Star Trek and Sci-fi related sites, enjoy!!!
This is a great site for Star Trek sounds, pictures, and more from all the shows and movies!! Enjoy!
This is a great Star Trek site, enjoy it!!!
This is the link to Starland, you can get info on screenings and Conventions there, as well as lots of other things!!!
This is the link to the Sci-Fi Channel, my personal favorite!!!!

Here are some pictures of the Delta Flyer, Tom is a genius!! :o) They are from Star Trek in Sound and Vision, thank you!!

These are my own creations from pictures that I have gotten from various places, enjoy!!

This is my first ever Voyager Fanfic, *Illusions* enjoy and sign the guest book, letting me know what you think!!!
Here are the links to My Pictures and Sounds, once I have them done, so enjoy!!!
Here are some pictures of Tom, I got them from Star Trek Sound and Vision, thanks!!

Here is another page of Pictures of Tom Paris!!

Here's is yet a third page of pictures of Tom and Belanna, Enjoy!!!

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