
Ever since the first time I saw The Last Unicorn as a little girl I have been enamored of these mystical beasts.  They are a beautiful representation of all my hopes and dreams for life.  Unicorns were orignally known as a fabled beast, pure white in color, having the head and legs of a horse, cloven feet, and a long twisted horn set in the middle of their foreheads.  They are symbolic of holiness and chastity.  While fearful of humans they could be tamed only by a virgin's touch.  These glorious creatures have been around as long as any myth and continue to live on in many people's dreams.  I hope you enjoy the pictures I have included in here and the links to some of my favorite unicorn pages. 

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Unicorn Pictures #1

Unicorn Pictures #2

Unicorn Pictures #5

Unicorn Pictures #4

Unicorn Pictures #3
