The World of spirits

When a person communicates with a spirit, there is a common misconception that they're conversing with a ghost. This is far from the truth. While a ghost is trapped in a time and place, in their own world, the spirit is actually free-roaming. It can move from one place to the next, NOT bound by emotional ties.

Most often, when a spirit makes contact, it has one of two purposes. One is to let you know that they're all right. The other is to warn you of impending danger. The third purpose, although slightly more unusual, is to take care of unfinished business.

You see, all of us have two bodies. The physical body, which we all know quite well, is just a shell that houses our astral bodies, or spirits. When we talk about psychic abilities, we are talking about our astral selfs.

Try this quick excercise. Briskly rub your hands together until they start to get warm. Now, look at your fingers,(look through your fingers), and you should notice two sets of fingers! This is your astral body trying to catch up with your physical self. Blatent proof that there is two of you!

When someone dies,(under normal circumstances), their spirit may stay on earth, for quite some time. No matter what purpose, it is there, and is psychic. It maybe can't see the future, but it has the knowledge that something is going to happen. That knowledge comes from the higher power.(See psychic abilities)

Unfinished business is where we encounter demons. Not all spirits in this catagory are demons, but some are. When a person is alive, they sometimes get so envolved in a cause that it is implanted into their mind,(which is part of the astral self), so they carry that cause with them beyond their physical life. The cause can be anything from protecting family from harm, or, in a demon's case, to manipulate others. That is all a demon will do. It will try to manipulate you for their own benifit, whether it be to possess your phisical, or through suggestion, try to get you to do their work. One sure way to tell a demon from a normal spirit: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
