Get it off Your Chest
This months topic:
4 Tires, a Battery, and a Mood Change

The following is a statement made by my girlfriend; she wanted to get a few things off her chest about working in an automotive store...Enjoy it!!

Ok, I work in an automotive repair shop. granted this is not eveyone's favorite place to spend money. Nor is it their favorite place to visit for a long time. What most people don't stop to think about is that fact that we did not break your car! We did not make the tires go bald, or the belts crack! We did not plug up the fuel filter or the air filter! So stop taking your frustrations out on us poor people behind the counter who have to give you the bad news. Not every mechanic is out to rip you off. I happen to know the mechanics I work with and they are very honest! If it don't need fixin they won't fix it! Also, I happen to work in a retail repair shop. If you go into a shop like that remember we work on a profit basis here. Just because you could have gotten the part from Napa for 40% less does not mean I have to give it to you for that price. We have costs to cover. We don't get the parts for much less than you would have and we DO take a markup. If you want the part for NAPA's price get it from them and put it on yourself! As far as the time goes, you have to realize that there might have actually been a person who was there before you! Don't walk in and expect that we will jump right on your car if the lot is full or the garage is full. Car repairs DO take time! One other thing, the mechanics do deserve a lunch break whether you think so or not! If they have been working for 5 hours straight then they decide to go to lunch are you gonna be the one to fault them? Would you feel guilty for wanting to take your lunch break? I think not! So the next time you walk into a car repair shop....remember we didn't break it, but we are more than willing to fix it.
There I feel better now. luv ya baby

Ok not bad, she made a few good points there, of course now it is my turn. I have to play a little devils advocate just to make this intersting. First of all when you say "mark up" you mean that you charge double, not %50 or %60 but %100 mark up sheshhh I know you need to make a little but give someone a break! And yes I know "you" didn't make my tires go bald, but if you had'nt sold me those overpriced cheaply made pieces of rubber that lost most of their tread after 5,000 miles I wouldnt be back so soon fighting to make good on the warrenty you gave me. Oh yeah thanks for cross threading the bolts on my car you assmunch!! Honesty? Who cares if your honest if you don't know what the hell you are doing??!! Have you ever heard of scheduling enough people to do the work needed. So Joe Blow takes a break...I am sure he deserves his break can't argue their, but if you say it will take 2 hours to fix my car it should be ready in two hours, take in consideration that the mechanic may take a break then tell me it will be 2 and a half hours. Save us both some headaches.
Ok I think I have said enough to make my life miserable for awhile, once she sees this I am dead. In all seriousness the place where my girlfriend works is not all that bad in comparison to other automotive shops I have been to, and I know from experience how customers can be, there just isnt pleasing some of those bastards. She has a tough job sometimes and I am proud of her mental stamina and her dedication. Love you too baby!!

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