Iknowyouarereal: ok so like.. check this out...
pjbarbiaux: ok.
Iknowyouarereal: you know that tooth that is fake of mine?
Iknowyouarereal: well it fell out yesterday.
pjbarbiaux: yup
pjbarbiaux: ouch
Iknowyouarereal: it ried to put it back but it wouldent stay.
Iknowyouarereal: a little piece fellout again and a again.
Iknowyouarereal: tried as I might it wouldent go back in.
Iknowyouarereal: so i got to work scared the shit outta my boss
Iknowyouarereal: 'cause all of a sudden... I didn't need no floss!
Iknowyouarereal: worked at the mirror to fix it right.
Iknowyouarereal: but it did't work I was pissed, I was like...
Iknowyouarereal: "this aint tight!"
Iknowyouarereal: but on my head an idea fell...
Iknowyouarereal: I went to the hardware aisle to buy some home remedies super glue gel.
Iknowyouarereal: scared amanda my fellow photo girl
Iknowyouarereal: 'casue I was missin' one of my tooths of pearl.
Iknowyouarereal: went back to the office dried off the stone
Iknowyouarereal: slpped glue on and shoved it up there with a groan.
Iknowyouarereal: "never did see that before", a ass. manager did drone....
Iknowyouarereal: and the glue didn't say that it was tox.
Iknowyouarereal: and if it didn't work i was gonna try epox.
Iknowyouarereal: in the end, it out just fine.
Iknowyouarereal: a dentist? or a licent to practice? not one did need I.
Iknowyouarereal: thoughI got lightheaded that evening... kinda high.
Iknowyouarereal: fin.
Iknowyouarereal: fin`
pjbarbiaux: is that your 'twas the day after valentines' story? because it was quite good
Iknowyouarereal: it is what happened to me yesterday.
Iknowyouarereal: to a beatbox. there is no rhyme structure.... but just rythms. and rhymes.
pjbarbiaux: this is the first time i've ever felt i missed out not taking more english courses
Iknowyouarereal: 'twent no english courses to it... just... too much time at Csz.
pjbarbiaux: well, i don't feel quite so bad then
pjbarbiaux: and now i'm off to class, have a fine rest of your day ben
Iknowyouarereal: indeed.
Auto response from pjbarbiaux: class til 330ish
Iknowyouarereal: see you later, boy. 1