Annika's Homepages

Annika Welcome! My name is Annika Riekkola.
Art, photography and writing are some of my main interests. Check out my Art Gallery and the Photography Page below to see some of my work! And if you prefer something a little more adventurous, play my Lost In Space game -I strongly recommend it!!
And if you click here, you can see (and hear!) my wonderful little Shetland Sheepdog Comet.
Finally, you can use my Jumpgate where I've listed most of my links to transport yourself to some of my favourite web sites.

Have fun!

My Art Gallery

The Photography Page

Java Applets

Travel into the cosmos and search for the Holy Grail in the

Lost In Space


Bye-bye! Come back soon...


Annika Riekkola

(I sincerly apologize for animations, pictures, sounds etc that I might have swopt from other sites without permission. Should anyone be offended by this, please contact me and I will remove the material immediately.)