"Humankind can not gain anything without first giving something in return, To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equiverlant exchange. In those days,  we really believed that to be the worlds one and only truth" - Alphonse Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
Name: Allison (Ally) Elric

Age: 16

Codename: Alchemy

Powers: break down and reformation of objects based on an alchemic reaction by touch the objects her abilites are based upon the material's she has to work with the object she makes has to have bases on the objects she destroyed ,some slight telekinitec and telepathic abilites

Bio: Allison or Ally as she insistes upon being called has not had what could be called an easy life her father died when she was a baby and her mother re-married, her new stepfather was a loving man infact he was so loving that when Ally was six he began to accidently walk in when she was in the bathroom taking a shower or when she was in her room asleep or playing with her toys and when she was eight he "accidently" got into bed with her one night. Ally tryed to tell her mother but her mother was so blinded by love, and need, that she chose to ignore her daughter instead beliving that her husband loved her daughter and would never hurt her.

Ally began to act out in school and tryed to run away on numorous ocasions but her stepfather had a very good reputation in the  small town where they lived and no one was willing to see the crys for help that Ally used insead beliving that she was a "Difficult Child" with "a bad attitude" Ally's childhood was hell for her but the start of her teenage years was even worse on her twelth birthday she came home from school and found that her mother had gone out of town for the weekend and that her step-father was planning a "very special" birthday for her.

Ally sick of living like this chose to fight him and he beat her into a pulp the strain of this cauterized her mutant powers and when he touched her bare skin she turned him into a pile of ashes Ally scared and frightened of herself wen't catanic and her mother returned that sunday night to find the "remains" of her husband and her daughter covered in blood next to them on the floor she called the police and they took Ally away the state decided that Ally must of electrocuted her father in some way as to make his body become ashes and would of sentanced her to death except for the fact that she was still in a catonic state instead they sent her to a mental institution where she probably would of spent the rest of her life if it hadn't been for a nurse at the institution who was a mutant she recognized Ally as a mutant and set out ot help the girl as best she could first by helping her to deal with the trauma of her stepfather's death then by alerting the Xavier Institute about Ally so that there lawyers were able to get Ally removed from the mental institution and brought to Xaviers where she has spent the last three years.

Ally chose the name Alchemy for herself  and since coming to Xavier's has shown herself to be a good student though she has a barbedwire personality and is reluctant to trust other people she was picked last year to be the leader of the New Hellions Squadron  and she enjoys the power that she has from being the leader.