Province of Varysgard

Created in 597 under the rule of Emperor Anthony Tarquinius IV


Reputation (ranges from -5 to +5)

Commoners:                -5    -4    -3    -2    -1    0    +1    +2    +3    +4    +5

Nobility:                      -5    -4    -3    -2    -1    0    +1    +2    +3    +4    +5

Imperial Court :           -5    -4    -3    -2    -1    0    +1    +2    +3    +4    +5


Treasury: 343 + 866


Income: 1705

Varysgard Taxes (550)

            Tax (500)

            Industry (50)

Aethis (275)

            Tax (250)

            Industry (25)

Lido (770)

            Tax (550)

            Industry (220)

Gorbash (110)

            Tax (100)

            Industry (10)


Imperial Tax (33%):  (563)


Expenditures: 276


Institutions:  10

            Varysgard Fighter’s Guild (10)


Wages: 166


                        -Personal Bodyguard (46)

                        -Aethis Garrison (12)

                        -Varysgard Garrison (24)

                        -Lido Garrison (104)


                        Gaius Andromicus (5)


Provincial Projects:  100

ROADWORK (100)/Hex/Month



Donovan’s Personal Bodyguard

General:  Captain Antavius Fortus (+4)

Troops:  50

Skill: +1

Equipment: +1

Cost:  46

Morale:  +1

Loyalty: +5

Traits:  Bodyguard (+1 morale, +5 loyalty)


Aethis Garrison

General:  Captain Antonio  (+1)

Troops:  15 (Imperial)

Skill: 0

Equipment: 0

Cost:  12

Morale:  -1

Loyalty:  +1

Traits:  Unpopular (-1 morale), Homogenous Unit (+1 loyalty)


Varysgard Garrison

General:  Captain Romulus  (+1)

Troops:  135 (Imperial)

Skill: 0

Equipment: 0

Cost:  24

Morale:  0

Loyalty:  +5

Traits:  Homogenous Unit (+1 loyalty), Defending the Capital (+5 loyalty)


Lido Garrison

General:  SsarkunLizardfolk Shaman  (+6)

Troops:  400

Skill: +1

Equipment: 0

Cost:  104

Morale:  +1

Loyalty:  +1

Traits:  Warrior Lineage (+1 skill),  Brave(+1 Morale), Homogenous Unit (+1 loyalty)





Name: Gaius Andromicus

Position: Governor’s Advisor (+4)

Wage: 5

Race:  Human

Alignment: LN

Loyalty: +5

Traits:  Absolute Loyalty (+5 loyalty)

Notes: Andromicus demonstrates absolute loyalty to the provincial government and has served the Emperor Tarquinius in the past.                        Age: 54



Towns and Cities


Name: Varysgard

Type: Town

Population: 945 (Human majority)/5%

Industry: Lumber

Base Income: 500

Bonus Income: 0


Conscription: 90

Institutions: Center of Government, Fighters Guild (level 1)

Power Centers:  Governor Lee Donovan

Loyalty: +5 (+5 CoG)


Building Palisades


Name: Aethes

Type: Village

Population: 510


Industry: Farming

Base Income: 250

Bonus Income: 0


Conscription: 50

Institutions: None

Power Centers:  Chaotic Good Elder Endelo Bora

Loyalty: -1

Notes:  Xenophobic (-1 Loyalty), Slow Breeders (-3%)



Name:  Lido

Type: Town

Population: 1728 (Lizardfolk)/8%

Industry: Fishers, Hunters, Lumber, mining

Base Income: 500

Bonus Income: 0

Tax Rate:  HIGH

Conscription: 340


Fighter’s Guild - Building

Power Centers:  Lawful Neutral Council – 5 members, headed by the elder Ssorkun.

Loyalty: +2

Notes:  Double Conscription, Oath-Keepers (+2 Loyalty), Honor Bound (+1 loyalty), Very Fast Breeders (+5%)



Name: Gorbash-Town

Type: Town (Hamlet)

Population:  1725  (Goblin-kin)/15%

Industry:  Mining

Base Income: 100

Bonus Income: 0


Conscription: 450

Institutions: None

Power Centers:  Lawful Evil Gorbash Ogre Magi

Loyalty: -3

Notes:  Barbaric (-2 Loyalty), Xenophobic (-1 Loyalty), Triple Conscription Rate, Primitive (Town type is treated as two lower for industry/institutions and income)