The Cartoons

Cartoons and comics are a fine and splendid thing, but they have their fair share of stupid and downright peculiar conventions. This was conceived as a grinning tribute to those conventions and those that have practiced them, and also as an excuse to use Mr Badly Drawn for something proper, having dreamt him up by accident and become quite attached to him. He's particularly lovely to write for; emulating the style of those quaintly terrible old British comic annuals from the 60s and 70s (Eagle, Tiger and so on. Just about anything that had an animal as its title, oddly), where almost everybody speaks without abbreviating anything ever, is ridiculously gratifying.

I still sometimes consider turning The Cartoons into an ongoing strip, but then remember the dangerous height of the papery stack that constitutes my Things To Do, and go and have some lime cordial instead.

Matthew Smith

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