Introduction to Rodenthood
Let's get one thing straight, right from the start. Spikey looks like me. Now then, some of you might be thinking that my usual furry form is that of a mole, and generally you would be right, but more recently I have seen myself as much more of a hamster type guy (I'm fat, mostly nocturnal, sleep most of the time except for brief bouts of blinding activity and bite anyone I don't know if they try to touch me or pick me up). Here you can see Spikey McHamster playing around with firearms and a softball. The gun because I like drawing guns, and the softball because recently I have been forced to walk everywhere as I can't afford the road tax for my car. Neither can I afford cigerettes, which means I have to find something to occupy my fevered brain whilst I walk places, hence the softball. I catch, throw and generally drop the hardened enlarged baseball most of the time as I walk around the place, and can usually be found fumbling around with it or wandering into the middle of the road to retrieve it.
Chris Christison
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