Welcome to Flash Gordan's Space:Above And Beyond webpage. Home to the 121st Squadron - Aces High

Congratulations on finding the home page of the 121st Squadron - the Aces High. The squadron is made up of fans who like to chat in the #Scifi/fan chat room at TalkCity. We are dedicated to bringing back S:AAB on the air. You can still see episodes of S:AAB on the Scifi Channel, on Saturdays at 11:00 am EST. Unfortunely this site is still under construction. So please return sometime in the future.

It might be done sometime around July, 2063. HAHA just joking.

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S:AAB Episodes

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S:AAB Fan Fiction

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S:AAB Sounds

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"We thought we were alone. We believed the universe was ours, until one night in 2063 on an Earth colony 6 light years away they struck. And now we are at war. My name is Lieutenant Colonel TC McQueen. I'm an In Vitro, a race of artificially gestated humans. I command a marine corp squadron, the 58th. They call us the 'Wild Cards'. We fight when called - in space, on land, and at sea. To lose this war means more than defeat. To surrender is to never go home. All of us must rise to the call above and beyond". Lt Col TC McQueen
If you wish to join our squadron or if there are any questions that you would like answered, just send me a note.

email me

"Space: Above and Beyond" is copyright Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Hard Eight Productions. All rights reserved. This site does not intend or imply any infringement of these rights.

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