I was in some sort of shopping mall that I do not know in waking life, walking around with a former co-worker of mine named Samir. We were window shopping and discussing something but I cannot remember what now. Some things happened that I cannot recall but somehow Samir and I ended up running into Samir's brother.
The three of us walked and talked some more and eventually Samir and his brother dissapeared and I found myself in a parking lot of a strip mall that is close to my home in waking life. The sun was setting and there were no cars in the parking lot. As I walked across the parking lot I found myself surrounded by a large group of women dressed in heavy black robes (burkas?) and they walked in pace with me and in complete silence.
When I got to the sidewalk that leads to my street, they group of women dissapeared, and then I woke up.
BLUE indicates side notes and personal thoughts written after the fact
BLACK indicates a normal dream
RED indicates a lucid dream