December 24th, 2007
"Oh Hey, Those are My Treats."

I made some rice crispie treats for the holidays and then I dreamed that my father and I were at an indoor confectionary market, sampling many different kinds of foods,and we came across one display that was serving the rice crispies I had made. I remember thinking in the dream, "Oh hey, those are my treats!" and feeling glad that other people were enjoying them too. I was a tad upset that I had to pay for a peice of something that I had made, though I said nothing and handed over the money for the treat. My father and I grabbed some and ate it gulped it down before moving on to the next display.

I did not become lucid, however, and I cannot remember anything more from that dream, though it was quite lengthy.

BLUE indicates side notes and personal thoughts written after the fact
BLACK indicates a normal dream
RED indicates a lucid dream

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