April 21st, 2008
"The Dragon Rider."

I've had several dreams over the last few weeks but they are always vague and fragmented and I forget what little details there very soon after awakening. It's very frustrating.

One dream fragment I can remember:

I am in an underground volcanic tunnel and there is a race going on. The racers have dragons instead of vehicles. There are many obstacles the track, including lava pits and metal traps. One rider is a young, handsome man with white hair. He is racing with a purple and black dragon. They becomes stranded on a small ledge when the dragon cannot make the jump over a lava pit onto a higher platform. A chain link cage falls down around them and traps them on the ledge. I am not participating in the race but watching from above. I am floating and invisible to everyone else. I am upset that the handsome young man became trapped because I knew him or liked him (or something) and I can do nothing to help him or his dragon.

BLUE indicates side notes and personal thoughts written after the fact
BLACK indicates a normal dream
RED indicates a lucid dream

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