about me.
Name: Aprilly
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Book: Good Omens
Currently Reading: nothing of interest
Occupation: Student, cashier and secretary
Major: International Studies
Minors: Spanish and Communications Current Obsession: Harry Potter


Ä My Livejournal
Ä Celtic Costuming and    Weaponry
Ä My Icons
Ä My Crafts

If you are archiving any of my icons or want to link to me for any other reason, use this button.

Content and Graphics © Angua27
Layout Modified from "Dear Johnny" © ::celeste::

Angua27's Realm
Welcome to my realm. This page includes icons for livejournal as well as my crafting journals. You'll also find my research on Celtic weapons and costuming. I'm still rather new at the whole graphics thing so I'm sure you will see a steady progression into better and better work. For now, just browse around the icons and information and stop over at my livejournal to say hi. I appreciate it.

What's New
As of 9/2/04 I have a new crafts section. This will showcase my knitting/crocheting and other crafty skills. Visit crafts to check it out.
There are also some new icons in the Miscellaneous Icons section. I have some Angel: The Series and Japanese icons.
You may also find some other things out of place because I've been renovating to get things more organized.