For so many seasons it lay as a relic, a remnant of olden days. It was long ago that Lord Tatterack constructed the magnificent fortress, only to see it and its army fall within seasons. It was once resurrected by a legendary fox, Queen Poison Eye. She carved her name not only into the stone walls of the great fort, but into the vast Mossflower Country as well. For seasons Fort Tatterack flourished under her brilliant rule, only to finally meet its previous fate.

Winters came, leaving their harsh Northland snows to slowly melt with coming Springs. Mild Summer flitted by, allowing a fleeting time of temperate weather before giving in, once again, to the brutal Winter. Three winters passed in all. Then came a reprieve. Not only from blizzards burying the once-proud fortress in ice and snow, but also from the desolate fate it had endured. Yes, the time had once again risen for the flag of Tatterack to fly. Another younger fox, known as Khardus Mordin, had come to the old ruins.

Weeks of travel took him and his small horde of vermin to a desolate place. To the west, a cold, icy sea smashed and frothed up against dark stony shores. To the north lay a dark pine forest, full of unexplored mysteries. Finally, to the South and East stretched the Darian Tundra, the barren, hilly iceland sprawling all the way to the horizon. Before the fox and his meager horde lay the wasted remains of a once-grand fortress. While his followers groaned, Khardus smiled. The placement was tactically ingenious. It would be nearly impossible for any enemy to sneak up on the site, with clear expanses of sea and plains on all sides.

Now you have braved the treacherous path to Fort Tatterack. Before you stands a marvel of a fortress, having finally been restored to its former self. Summer has begun thawing the landscape from its icy state, although only mid and late Summer will display a mildly warm climate. Come autumn, the place will be cast into yet another cold Winter. The sun's warmth forsakes the land for all but these three fleeting summer months. Such is the life of the hardened northerner.