Tales Told by the Fireside
By the Gangrel of the british Isles and Eire
As recalled by Qualin Hess, Wilderness blood of the Cammarilla, Journeymann of Eire
story told by Meilyr, Wilderness blood of the Camarilla,aka Ashra Black, Wife of Mlacom the Brujah

When time was judged by seasons of darkness and light. Clansman and women lived out there lives in happiness. They were led by there kings and them by there seers. Between them they watched over the land, looked after the cattle and taught the young.

It is here where my tale begins.

There was a king Huw who ruled a modest but happy clan.

One day he was visited by his Seer, warning of darkness ahead.
The king troubled by this news called for his council to advise.
Completely unaware of what it may be they talked. The hearth burning strong through the night.

Expecting this to arrive soon enough every man was put on guard to defend the village. the wives and children prepared by collecting more food and making more ale. The Seasons came and went. The guards grew tired and weary. But the darkness never came.

Then during the winter sun a figure approached the gates. Dressed in rags.
The men at the gates at first curious as to the person at the gates.

"who goes there."

"Mearly an old woman seeking shelter from the winter sun. will you allow an old woman this wish."

The guards open the gates and let the old woman in. The clans women came towards her with food and drink helping her towards the nearby fire.

"what is your name old one." the women asked

"My name is Aneurin(An-eye-rin.) I seek only a warm fire and fresh ale."

"That you may have and plenty more,"They responded

Time passed them by as the winter sun faded behind the clouds. Soon the darkness was creeping in around them.As the men retired from the walls they came towards the fire. There wives meeting them with cups of ale and some food. One of the men Deilyr walk to the old one and asked.

"what is your name old one?" "my name young sir is Aneurin and I seek only good company and a place to sleep."

"Aye, and that you may have."He responded.

The women of the village prepared a bed for Aneurin. They themselves drifted off with there husbands, to the children that slept and the babies that hungered. Aneurin was left with a few men for good company. When she grew tired they helped her to bed and carried on by the fire.

When the women awoke in the morning the morning the old one was no where to be found. The men search far and wide, but to no avail. She was gone.

When the king heard this he was afraid. During the night the hearth dwindled and died. The Seer look carefully at the omens before him. He himself had tried to rekindle it. But there was coldness all around.

With the winter there and no fire how could the village be safe. The
children cryed and women begged. The men unable to help as the crops died and cattle fell. When the seer had an idea. To send some of his men on to the next village. the group were chosen and sent on there way. The next village was seven days ride from there, so they started early. During there journey the winds were cold and the nights long. But they had arrived. The chieftain of the village greeted them.

"king Huw's men. What brings you this far north." he asked

" we my lord are under siege. Our Seer foretold a great darkness would befall us. and my lord that fell seven nights past. We have no fire to warm our children no food to feed our wives. Please can you help us."
the Seer from the village came forward.

"Were you greeted by an old woman."

"Yes, an old one calling herself Anuerin came to our gates, seeking shelter for the night. We allowed her in, but in the dawn she was no where to be found."

"You have indeed been cursed, by allowing this woman in you have allowed darkness to enter."

the men on hearing this looked dismayed. the local women came towards them with food and drink offering them as much or as little as they wanted.

"I know only of one cure to chase the darkness away." on saying that the Seer disappeared back into the hall. He returned with a young woman.cover by a shawl. she stepped forward. " My name is Mayve I will help you as my duty dictates."

the men were bewildered that a young girl could help them. But they had no choice but to except. There horses now fed and watered repack with every thing they would need. they left the following morning. That night as they camped in the bitter cold they wondered what they had done to deserve this.
Mayve Offered them solace by rewarding them with a story. One that captivated and enthralled. That night the men slept peace fully for the first time. This telling of stories from her kept them going until they could see home.

When they arrived at the gates. the snow fresh on the ground. there was no one to greet them. the fire in the courtyard had long since died. No voices or song just quiet. They helped her off the horse and into the yard. "The seer was correct." she said "we must work quickly or they will be forever lost."

Mayve told them what she needed. and by the time the sun began to set they were ready.

In the morning light Mayve began her work. She brought out her flute and began to play.

While Mayve played her flute strange things began to happen. The snow had started to thaw, the morning sun felt warm on her back. And slowly but surely the sound of children began to return.

[The fire seems to burn slightly brighter now.]

That my friends is one of my stories my sire taught me. I hope it was entertaining enough.

May the night watch you well my friends

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