Rezo the Red Priest is one of the legendary five wisemen. In his glory days, he was known for traveling throughout the land, healing people and performing miracles as he went. Ironically, while he was capable of healing the afflictions of others, Rezo had a handicap that not even his own powerful magic was capable of curing. His blindness. His obsession with finding a cure made him a little unbalanced. Rezo was responsible for turning his grandson/ great- grandson (How GROSS is that?), Zelgadis, into a chimera. He somehow figured out that the only remedy for his particular kind of blindness was to resurrect the dark lord Shabranigdo. He first appears in the series trying to trick Lina into giving him the Philosopher's Stone, which he needs to increase his magical ability so that he can revive Shabby. He does eventually succeed in his mission, and it turns out that Rezo had a piece of Shabranigdo sealed within his eyes the whole time. He sort of redeems himself in the end by keeping Shabranigdo from killing Lina and helping to save the world. Lina theorized that it was the piece of Shabranigdo inside Rezo that was responsible for all the evil stuff he did, and that Rezo himself wasn't really all that bad. Zelgadis begged to differ.


Dilgear's a half-werewolf/half-troll. He was one of Zelgadis' henchmen until Zelgadis turned against Rezo. He died when Zelgadis' flunky, Zolf, nailed him with a flare arrow. His last words were 'Just wait 'till I come back to life.....'.


Ah, yes. The fishman. Supposedly the most handsome member of his tribe. When Dilgear and Zolf were torturing Lina, they had Noonsa kiss her. He fell deeply in love with her. Later, when Lina and Zelgadis ran off together, he snatched Lina when she got too close to a lake. Zelgadis came to her rescue and fireballed the lovestruck mutant. He was then eaten up by his fellow beastmen.


Early in the first series, the piece of Shabranigdo trapped within Rezo the Red Priest was reborn. He offered our heroes the choice of becoming his slaves and helping him to destroy the world, or death. They initially tried to fight Shabby, but turned tail and ran after he effortlessly killed two minor characters. His presence in the world made local monsters run amok. Not being completely devoid of integrity, Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis regrouped and confronted Shabranigdo again. The confrontation ended with Shabranigdo being destroyed by a Giga Slave courtesy of Lina Inverse.


Randy was princess Amelia's asinine uncle, who schemed to claim the throne of Seyruun for himself.


Zangulus is a bounty hunter who worked for Eris. He and Vrumugen worked together to try to capture the Slayers and bring them to Sairaag. He possesses a powerful magical sword called the 'Demonic Howling Sword', which was made by Rezo. Zangulus became quite obsessed with Gourry, and was determined to find out which one of them was the better swordsman. After Gourry beat him in a duel, he actually helped them to find Rezo's Legacy. In Slayers Next, he returns, still wanting to fight Gourry. He tags along with Lina for awhile, and confronts Hellmaster Phibrizzo with her. At the end of that series he marries Martina, quite possibly the only other person in the world as obsessive as he is.


Vrumugen was Zangulus's taciturn partner. A rather creepy fellow, actually. He never said much. He used a lot of ice spells. And he died quite a few times, usually at least once in every episode he appeared in. (Oh my God, you killed Vrumugen! You bastards!) As soon as one Vrumugen would kick off, another copy would take his place. The Vrumugen copies were controlled by Eris. He makes a cameo appearance at the end of Slayers Next at Zangulus and Martina's wedding.


Callie the sorceress is a nasty old hag who was somewhat well known for having her many daughters marry rich boys and then taking them for everything they have. She tried to marry off her daughter, Paula, to Hallis and cast a spell on him to make him girl-repellent. Hallis came to Lina for help, and she rid him of his curse. It was Callie's misfortune that Lina decided to help Hallis out by posing as his new fiancé. Callie exposed Lina's identity, and a viscous fight ensued that wrecked Hallis's house.

She lives to serve Rezo, the Red Priest. She was Rezo's follower, traveling with him and assisting him. When Rezo went off the deep end and set off to look for the philosopher's stone, he left behind a weepy and distraught Eris. When she found out that Rezo had been killed, she put a bounty on Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis, hired Zangulus and Vrumugen to capture them, and started dressing shamelessly sluttish. She decided to secure Rezo's legacy, and she needed the sword of light to gain entrance to Rezo's secret laboratory. When the Slayers came to Sairaag, they found that Eris was the one who put the bounty on them, and that she had created a duplicate of Rezo. Her loneliness and hang-up with Rezo led her to create a copy of him. She and Copy Rezo succeeded in gaining Rezo's legacy, which turned out to be a Claire Bible manuscript. Eris used it to resurrect the demon beast Zanaffar so that she could avenge Rezo's death by killing the Slayers. Ironically, she died a rather bloody death at the hands of her beloved copy.


Copy Rezo was created by Eris. He was determined to surpass the original Rezo's power. He destroyed the city of Sairaag to prove how strong he was. He killed Eris in order to gain the power of Rezo's legacy. Then he demanded that Lina use the Giga Slave on him just to see if he could survive it. His main accomplishment was coming closer to actually killing the heroine than other Slayers villain. Copy Rezo died when Lina ran him through with the Bless Blade. He had a few last words, realized the error of his ways, and requested to be buried by the Holy Tree Flagoon.

Although a minor villain, Halcyform is a complex character with a heartbreaking story. Halcyform the White was formerly the guild director of Atlas City until he was impeached for conducting experiments on immortality - which is a big taboo for sorcerers. But he was not doing this for personal gain, his research was to find a way to bring his dead girlfriend Rubia back to life. She had died while assisting him in an experiment. He allied himself with the monster, Seygram, and made the pledge of immortality with him. Halcyform eventually succeeded in bringing Rubia back to life, but she was a soulless shell of her former self. She pleaded with Halcyform to kill her. He then cast a spell that killed both himself and Rubia.



Seygram is one of Gaav's servants. He first makes an appearance in Atlas City with a mission to collect people of power. He tries to get Lina to join the Mazoku, but, of course, she refused. He was then scared off by Xellos. He appears again later and helps Gaav fight the Slayers. Lina eliminates him with a Ragna Blade. In the novels, Seygram was originally a servant of Beastmaster Zellas Metallium before defecting to Gaav's side. 



Kanzel and Mazenda worked together to gain control of Seyruun. They were both working for Gaav. They posed as the court sorcerers of Prince Philionel's brother. At first they tried to kill Lina and her friends, but then they changed their minds and asked her to join them. As can be expected, Lina refused their offer. She killed Mazenda first, and then Kanzel soon after.


He's big. He's bad. He's ugly. He's Gaav the Demon Dragon King. Of Shabranigdo's lords, he loves war the most. And unlike the other lords, he has a human soul. He rebelled against Shabranigdo and tried to take over the monster race. He was also responsible for turning Valgarv into a Mazoku. In Slayers Next, all of the minor monsters that Lina and Co. fought were working for Gaav. He finally faces Lina in person when she finds the location of the Claire Bible. He asks Xellos what the Hellmaster's plans are, but Xellos smarts off to him and royally pisses him off. Gaav then proceeds to beat the living daylights out of him. If not for the help of the Water Dragon King, the heroes probably wouldn't have survived their first encounter with Gaav. He faces them a second time when Lina finds the true Claire Bible. He felt that it was necessary to kill Lina because she was part of the Hellmaster's plans. He makes Amelia nearly have a mental breakdown by telling her that she's a villain. Gaav proved to be more than a match for the Slayers. Luckily for them, Hellmaster Phibrizzo steps in and offs Gaav with a snap of his fingers. Phibrizzo killed Gaav because he had become too human, and was no longer capable of being absolutely loyal to the Mazoku.


Don't be fooled. This little cutie is actually the most powerful of Shabranigdo's lords, and quite evil. He's called the Hellmaster because he has dominion over the spirits of mortals. Hell is his playground. Phibrizzo meets Lina seemingly by accident in Slayers Next. He tags along with Martina and follows them until they are confronted by Gaav. The only one who suspected his true identity was Xellos, who was working for him. He planned to destroy the world by getting Lina to use the Giga Slave spell. When she failed to do so while fighting Gaav, he resorted to taking Gourry hostage. When Lina confronted him, he motivated her to use the Giga Slave by killing her friends one by one before her eyes by shattering their soul orbs. Lina does eventually decide to chance casting the spell. He planned to kill Lina at a critical point in the casting of the spell, thus causing it to go out of control and consume the world in a void of chaos. But it doesn't go the way Phibrizzo expected. The Lord of Nightmares herself came down from the heavens just to smack him around. She possessed Lina and annihilated him. It seems that even the Hellmaster was afraid to meet his maker. Phibrizzo was more than a little shocked that the Lord of Nightmares had appeared. He seemed to be absolutely terrified of her. When he realized that his plan was ruined, he became traumatized and cried out that he wanted to be destroyed. Hellmaster Phibrizzo thought that he was only carrying out her will by destroying the world, since that was what she had created the Mazoku for.