"The Shadows of Evil"
   On the far edges of the galaxy, an army led by a being known as Selantar has conquered and destroyed all planets in their path.  The next planet for them to destroy is that of Symonako.  The symonian race is peaceful, therefore; they were in no need to be ready for combat.  Although  the symonians do not have much of a defense system, there is hope.  The hope is that of a giant golden bracelet that had been believed to unlock an amazing power.  This bracelet however is located on another planet.  Many centuries ago, this bracelet, the Zyonian bracelet, was separated from its counterpart, the Zycro, and drifted through space.  The symonians were the only race to know where it had landed.  They knew of it's great power, so the symonians let it lay hidden underneath the surface of the planet it had drifted to.
    Before the attack a ship of five symonians are sent to this distant planet. Once there, they are to retrieve the golden bracelet and bring it back in hopes of defending and ridding their planet of Selantar's massive army. 
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Possession Of Power 1:
The Symonian Race