Welcome weary traveller, to the home of the Draven's. I am currently updating the page so please be patient. Here are a list in order of parentage and birth

Vermillion Gabriel Draven

Angel of Mercy Draven

Telina Myst Ravine Parents, Merloch Darklighter and Mercy Draven, backfired prego spell and Merloch carried and delieverd her due to Mercy still being pure.

Sade Ravine Telina's husband

Veldan Draven Vermillion Draven and Nissandra Xternal's son.

Trent Draven Vermillion and Mercys son

Anaelisch K'a Draven Daughter of Vermillion Draven and Nissandra Xternal

Kain Draven Son of Vermillion and Mercy Draven

Abel Draven Son of Vermillion and Mercy Draven

Cephilia Lillian Gainan Draven Trent Draven's wife, Gem Bluestone's daughter

Trael Draven Daughter of Trent and Cephilia Draven

Blaise Draven First born of the 6 to Trent and Cephilia Draven

Liliana Draven Second born of the 6 to Trent and Cephilia Draven

Archaeus Draven Third born of the 6 to Trent and Cephilia Draven

Gaia Gainan Draven Fourth born of the 6 to Trent and Cephilia Draven

Tarnem Draven Fifth Born of the 6 to Trent and Cephilia Draven

Shae Draven Sixth born and youngest of the 6 to Trent and Cephilia Draven

Quinton Draven Son of Trent and Cephilia Draven

Copyright Anna Marie Hoyer, All Rights Reserved. All Artwork found within the pages is copyright the original artist. All Poetry within the pages copyright the orignal writer, All character biographys copyright the player of the character. All titles done by Vermillion Draven and Gem Bluestone. Page layouts created and made by Anna Marie Hoyer. This page is a Non Profit, For entertainment only page. Do NOT take from my page unless you have prior written consent from the artists.


This page Created November 28,1999, last update, December 28, 1999.