Fully Eclipsed!


Discussion Forums



Voting Polls

Salvador Dali

Contact And Links

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Fully eclipsed was started as a concept around two years ago. At that time the site was under a completely different name, was a different style, and had completely different content. It was started when a friend of mine, Esther Cheung, used the Viagra_Magic@... e-mail alias, and as soon as I saw it I had ideas flowing like the juices of a horny prostitute! At first this site was located at a different location, and as some of you know, wasn't that good. The background was crap - one of those dodgy ones that you get from the 'Free Web-Site Tools' sites. The content wasn't that great either, with boring humour, and the worst descriptions you've ever seen. It was, however, a good building block for me because it helped me learn how to design a web-site, and also how to make it look good.

Early this year designs for a new MVMagic were started, with a complete change of all the sections incorporated into the site. These were completed within a few weeks and updated regularly. The new MVMagic included loads of brand new sections, such as the 'Salvador Dali' section that included a gallery of his paintings. The bit that got the site off the ground, however, was the 'Voting Polls' section. The first poll was a massive hit with Sandbach School Pupils who could finally tell the world who 'The finest teacher in Sandbach School' is. Overall, the new site was pretty good, but when you think about it 'pretty good' is also 'pretty bad!'.

Development started on 'Fully Eclipsed' for a number of reasons. Firstly, the old name made it increasingly difficult to get out of the 'old style' and create something new, and also jeopardised the integrity of the site simply through its' name. The content was not accessible to enough people, and the disclaimer basically said it all - don't read the site if you get offended easily. The idea behind fully eclipsed is to have a 'clean' site, with a few comments in there that can only be understood if you have 'one of those minds'. Some of the MVMagic content has been retained, but most has been removed. I am trying to branch out from the personal web-site perspective into something that could eventually involve into a 'consumer' site, but that evolution will obviously take time. For now this site is for you to enjoy, meet other people, and also hopefully learn something... we'll see.

I accept no responsibility for what is said on this site. The forum is open, and simply requires a user to sign up. Posts are moderated, but will only be edited or deleted if they are extremely offensive. As far as I know all copyrights have been observed on the site, but if you do have a problem do not hesitate to contact me - I'll do whatever I can to help.