Name:       Zyrus Friesen

Age:        15

Height:     5 feet, 7 inches

Weight:     137lbs

Origin:     Indonesia

Style:      Saurian

Entrance Theme: "Calling All Freaks" - The Crystal Method






In his human form, Zyrus is lacking in both size as well as fighting ability. He stands at a meager 5'7" and weighs just 137 lbs. He doesn't really have much for muscle mass, and has never received any formal training in any martial arts. The lone fighting skills he will use he learned watching television. He's just your typical Asian-American high school kid. He attends Anime Central High, and actually does well in the classroom. He plays no sports, and doesn't have many friends. Zyrus is a descendent of an ancient group of lycanthropes who inhabited Southeast Asia in the later 1800's, and like his ancestors he has the ability to change forms. However, Lycanthropes change into wolves...Zyrus does not. Zyrus is a zoanthrope, and he changes into a reptilian creature.  Most zoanthropes are masters of their skills, and can change at will...but Zyrus has yet to really figure this out.

Whenever he becomes overly angry, saddened, or is being injured...Zyrus' body will undergo severe physical changes. He will become a beast that's hell-bent on destruction. In his beast form he resembles a gigantic bipedal lizard. In his altered form Zyrus stands at 7'4" (feet to head, tail extends past this) and weighs over 700 lbs. His skin becomes a deep black color, eyes become yellow, and all traces of hair on his body disappear. In this form, Zyrus is a very formidable individual. As a lizard, nearly Zyrus' entire body is covered in thick, armor-like scales, all but his underside. His hands and feet are armed with long, razor sharp claws...and he packs a mighty strong bite. His tail is also used as a weapon, and can be swung with insane force.

Although Zyrus cannot control WHEN he changes, over the years he has become able to control WHAT he does after he changes. He's actually gained full control of his actions and thoughts while changed. After he does change, he's left cold, weak, and naked. Shapeshifting is a very taxing activity, and it ruins whatever clothing he happens to be wearing.






Zyrus was discovered as a child within the wilds of Indonesia. The residents of nearby villages spoke of a mysterious reptile that wandered the surrounding woodlands, one that could transform from lizard to man in a blink of an eye.

Jaida Friesen, a renowned biologist at the University of Colorado and a team of her peers decided to travel to Indonesia to locate this mythical beast. Friesen was an expert on the various varieties of Monitor lizard that inhabited southeast Asia, and she was led to believe this creature could be an entirely new species. After arriving to Indonesia the team decided to immediately begin the search, and Friesen led the group into the woodlands rumored to contain the beast.

Nearly 7 days of searching went by and Friesen's team had no leads...not a sound...not a footprint...nothing.


A scream pierced through the jungle, waking Jaida and her team. The group gathered their gear and headed in the direction of the sound. The cries kept getting louder and louder...until the group reached a small clearing... There sprawled out on the ground was a crying child, most likely 10-11 years of age...covered in dirt and blood. Nobody in the surrounding villages knew anything about the child, and he could not speak any human tongues. Jaida and her team took the child in, and continued their search for the "reptile".

Five years passed, and Friesen's team had found no leads on the creature. The child however, had learned to speak English...and the team had named him "Zyrus". Jaida and her team flew back to the United States, and Zyrus came with them as Jaida's newly adopted son. A 15 year old with a secret...






Human Form (very limited selection of attacks)


Kick N' Run: Zyrus nails a well executed kick into the opponent's groin...and takes off running for his life.

Blind Justice: Zyrus pounces on top of his opponent's head and claws their eyes! Take that!

Charlie Horse: Zyrus punches his opponent right where the leg or arm muscles meet. Ouch.

Shin Splints: Zyrus kicks his opponent right in the shin.

A See Ell: Zyrus runs behind his opponent and plants a well-placed kick into the back of their knee, sending them to the ground. Can we say ligament damage?

Reptile Form (very brutal, animalistic style)


Tail - prehensile and fully maneuverable, used to strike as well as grasp opponents and objects

Jaws - filled with nasty teeth. His jaws are built for tearing and crushing, can exert over 1200 pounds of pressure into a given location

Fore claws and Hind claws - very sharp and very long, used mostly for slashing and tearing.

Back Spines - bone spikes along Zyrus' back, filled with mildly toxic venom. Venom causes infections and soreness...but is far from lethal.


Scales - cover Zyrus' entire body, except his underside. Very protective against stabbing and slicing attacks...absorbs some damage from bludgeon attacks.

Reflexes - as a reptile, Zyrus has advanced reflexes...almost like a "lizard sense" of sorts. Allows him to dodge attacks consistently.

Heat Absorption - reptiles convert heat into energy, heat/fire attacks give Zyrus an energy boost. Cold attacks do the opposite.


Tail Strike: Zyrus uses his tail as a whip or as a bludgeon. Most often used to trip an opponent, or to knock someone off the ropes.

Rend: Zyrus thrusts his talons into an opponents flesh, ripping and tearing the meat from the bone.

Entrapment: Zyrus grasps an opponent's torso in his jaws, either in midair or from a standing position. This move is a set-up for many other attacks.

Internal Displacement (from entrapment): Zyrus shakes an opponent around like a rag-doll, breaking bones and causing internal damage.

Rolling Death (from entrapment): Zyrus rolls his body while his jaws are implanted into an opponent, twisting and tearing the flesh from their midsection.

Talonous Mutilation (from entrapment): While holding an opponent in his jaws, Zyrus uses his claws to rip and tear pieces of flesh from the torso.

Way of the Raptor: From the top rope (or any other high place), Zyrus leaps on top of an opponent and tears into them with both his hind and fore claws.

Swipe: Zyrus swings recklessly at his opponent with his fore claws; if contact is made heavy damage can occur.

Infection: Zyrus throws his opponent into the corner, and nails them with a backwards splash. (Pierces victims with back spines)

Collarbone Drop: Zyrus digs into an opponent's flesh and grasps their collarbones, he then lifts them high into the air and drops them directly on their asses.

Kneecapper: Zyrus balls up his fists and hits his opponent's kneecap with an axe-handle attack. Can cause patella damage.

Backstab (When an opponent is dazed, rear attack): Zyrus leaps into an opponent and drives his talons into their back.

Explosive Disembowelment (finisher): Zyrus grasps an opponent by the flesh of their stomach and tosses them upwards into the air. While the opponent is soaring, Zyrus springs up into the air and impales his talons into their torso and drives them into the ground/mat/floor.

Violence Fetish (finisher): Zyrus sets up an opponent into the corner upside-down (legs hooked over top ropes).He then climbs to the top of that corner and does a handstand (gripping the ropes with his hands), from there he swings downward (gymnast style) and performs a claws-first, two-footed kick to the stomach that nearly impales an opponent. (REALLY nasty move if you think about it)