Hmm.. alrighty, here're Vlad's spells. Some are used from a basis of BASTARD!! Spells. Vlad IS a battle-mage, and so these spells are fitting. Though rarely he uses these spells, they're here nonetheless.
Name: Bal-Volt

Element: Air

Description: Good old Lightning-Bolt with a souped up look. It's a
massive streaking bolt that shoots in a direct line from the casters palm.


Name: Damned

Element: Fire/Air

Description: Resembles a fireball without the blaze. Causes a strong
concussive blast which expands into a globular shape. Intensity is
controlled by the user.


Name: Deiou

Element: Fire

Description: A single jet of flame that shoots out from the palms.
Intensity also controlled by the user.


Name: Gehenna's Rain (Original Spell)

Element: Fire

Description: Hands are thrust forward. Sky breaks open, and dozens
of flaming meteors rain down upon unsuspecting target.


Name: Gansn-Roh

Element: Fire

Description: A wall of fire and searing flame. A fiery barrier that
can be formed to fit the needs of the caster in many shapes. Classic
form is a wall of flame or a ring of fire, but it can usually form a dome.


Name: Inteliperi

Element: Fire

Description: A burst of miniature fireballs that explode upon impact.
Caster can take these on as a magical homing missle, being able to
guide them.


Name: Marshal Law

Element: Fire

Description: This spell creatures a raging storm of fire in the shape of
an incendiary cloud. Bolts of flame shoot from the mass to strike the target
and explode.


Name: Rai-boh

Element: Air

Description: Caster creates a devestating barrage of sheaf arrows that
have the property of a Gale Force to strike. Five to Seven arrows are shot.


Name: Raven

Element: Air

Description: A high mobility flight spell. Imbues the caster with the ability
to fly. Very mobile and agile movements.


Name: Riooto

Element: Air

Description: A powerful version of Bal Volt. Many smaller bolts of lightning,
like a barrage, strike the target intended and screw the nervous system.


Name: Tesla

Element: Air

Description: Multiple Bolts from the sky join together into one bolt and
strike down upon the intended victim. Can breach through solid stone.


Name: Ven Gen Doh

Element: Air

Description: Focused electrically charged concussive blast or pulse which
blows directly through the target.


Name: Li Ah Vah(Original)

Element: Fire/Conjuration

Description: A snake made of pure fire rips up from the ground. As it goes
to devour the target, not only does it sear with flames, but explodes to cause
more damage.


Name: Seeds of Gehenna(Original)

Element: Fire

Description: Within the palm, forms a dozen seeds. These seeds are thrown
at the intended target, where they burrow into the skin, and then explode
from within the body.


Name: Megido Ray(Original)

Element: Fire

Description: A ray of pure fire is unleashed forth, the heat searing through
most natural resources and materials, and scientific ones. The actual heat
intensity could be likened to that of a small star.


Name: Exile(Original)

Element: Black Magic/Necromantic

Description: Blood is risen from the ground, spinning about the forearms.
Unleashed upon the target, it strikes like a saw blade, the iron within the
blood utilized to rip through flesh, fat, and bone.