Multiclassing |
Multiclassing is when your character has multiple proffessions and multiple sets of skills. There are few limits to multi-classing as it's meant to be something fun. You can mix and match any class you want, really. There are but a few things to know. 1. There is a limit of 3 classes that any character may have. Class choices are permanent. 2. Before starting the 3rd mutli-class, you must achieve an equal level of both other classes. So 5 and 5 or 8 and 8. 3. To become multi-class, you must have either d80 or you must be Level 4. Then you may choose a second class to be. 4. No matter what class you are working on, you may use any of the skills for the classes you have as they fit. 5. When you become a multi-class character, you begin the new class at level 1. 6. You do not start at 0xp. You keep your current XP but must work up the level XP worth again. |