Character Name:  Riviel Meridian  Player: Stacey Marie          Class: Rogue
Race: Human                    Align: Chaotic Neutral                      Deity: 
Level: 1                              Size: Medium                            Gender: Female
Height:   5'5"                           Weight: 120lbs                        Age: 18
Eyes:  blue                             Hair: Black                                 HP: 12

Stat          Score      Modifier                        10 + Armor + shield + dex + size + misc
Str              14               +2                       AC:  13 = 10  +  0  +  0  +  +2  +  0  +  0
Dex            15                +2
Con           17          +3              Arcane Spell Fail:           Armor Check Penalty:
Int              9                   -1
Wis           12           +1               Init modifier: +2 = Dexmod: 3  +  Miscmod:
Cha           17            +3

Base Attack Bonus: +0                                     Speed: 30

Saving throws       total = base + ability + mod + magic + misc
Fortitude                  +3        +0         con        +3      
Reflex                  +4        +2         dex       +2
Will                           +1         +0      wis        +1

Attack Bonus        Total = Base Attack Bonus + Str/Dex mod + size + misc
Melee                   +2                +0              +2             
Ranged                +2                +0              +2


Skill Name              Total          Ability    Skill modifier      Ranks          Misc
Balance                3                            -1                   +4
Disable device       3                                                  +4  
Disguise                3                                                 +4
Escape Artist        3                                                  +4
Move Silently        3                                                   +4
Open Lock            3                                                  +4
Pick Pocket         3                                                   +4
Listen                  2                 +2
Spot                    2                 +2


Weapon         Total Attack Bonus      Damage           Critical           Range         Wt.          Size
  Scythe             +0                          2d4               x4                  -             12 lbs          L

Type               Special Properties

Weapon         Total Attack Bonus      Damage           Critical             Range         Wt.          Size
Shortbow                +0                   1d6                    x3                   60ft             2 lbs         M

Type               Special Properties                  Ammo
Piercing                                            60

Weapon         Total Attack Bonus      Damage           Critical             Range         Wt.          Size
Short Sword            +0                   1d6               19-20/x2                0               3 lbs          S


Weapon          Total Attack Bonus      Damage           Critical             Range         Wt.          Size
Dagger                                                          1d4             19-20/x2               10 ft.       1lb

Type               Special Properties

Armor             Type       Added Bonus       Check Penalty       Max Dex        Spell Fail        Speed
Stud Lthr        Light          +3                       -1                   +5                   15%               30ft

Weight           Special Properties

Experience Points:   0              GP:  104         CP:  98           SP: 5      EP:            PP:

Special Abilities/Feats

Feats:              Dodge - +1 dodge bonus to AC from designated opponent.
                         Alertness -+2 to Listen and Spot checks.

Rogue:           Sneak Attack - Any time target denied dex bonus to
                  AC or when flanking the target, the rogues attack deals
                  extra damage. Currently at +1d6.

Human:           - Gain 1 skill point each level
                   - 1 Extra feat at first level
                   - 4 skill points at first level

Languages:    Common



Name                  Description                       Weight
Shortsword                                                      3 lbs
Studded Leather                                                20 lbs
Flint and Steal                                                1/10 a pound
(2)Torch                                                          2 lbs
Water Skin                                                     4 lbs
Backpack                                                        2 lbs
(3) Trail Rations                                            3 lbs

Weight Total: 48lbs
Weight Allowance:  50 lbs(L)  51-100 lbs(M)   100-150 lbs(H)
Encumbered: No

Spells and Such

Spell Save:  ? = DC Mod

Spell Save DC        Level      Spells per day       Bonus spells

Number of Spells known:   
(This is for sorcerer and Bard only)

Effect         School           Components          Casting Time        Range     Duration        Save

Level 0

Other Notes