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As my Last Legacy,I leave a single word for all the free race of the galaxy...Hope.-Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul (or K.A.Applegate)

It's all coming back to me now,by Celine Dion.Do ya have any other great midis for me,huhuh?Please send em to me,!
{{Note!To get the explanation of this
place,go Here

*You find yourself in the front courtyard of a palace like place.The last you can remember,
you had found a strange door in the starry night sky,and opened it.
There are trees lining the
walk-ways,and rose-gardens every few yards.The place is beautiful,and obviously
tended to by someone,yet you see noone around.The courtyard is strangely silent,
and so is the white palace.You look around,searching in vain for a person,any person,
even a hostile one.Suddenly you feel a tap on the shoulder.You spin around,
almost tripping,and see a teenage maiden with long black hair and sapphire eyes.
The hair has dark purplish blue highlights.Or lowlights,considering.*
"Hello.I'm Lady Calliope Dragonfriend.Calliope or Calli for short."*s*"I'm  very
into magic and mythical creatures.
That sort of thing.
But mostly Dragons  I'm sorry,but I absolutley love Dragons.
Most of the Stories in the library here will have at least one 
dragon in them."
*She seems to take for granted a stranger in the courtyard.Maybe she's a lesser
person here,and knows not everyone.*
"Who's the owner of this place?"you ask
"I am."
"I hate it when visitors do this.I'll prove it to ye."
*She whistles,and a blond-headed youth of about 17 comes running up to you.*
"This is Squire Robin.Robin,this is a visitor.Now,who is the owner of this
*The Squire gives her a look*
"Why,you of course,m'lady."
*she nods and smiles to him.*"Good,thankyou Robin."
*She turns to you*"Now that we have that cleared up..."
*Robin nods and goes back to his horse.*
"I'll introduce you to some people."
*You notice that the courtyard is now filled with people of all descriptions.*
"Why weren't any of them here before?"
"Everyone clears out pretty quickly when they hear the portal warning."
*With that she leads you to some of the people.*

{{Notice!All adopteds on this 
page were moved here}}

*A small carrot top boy runs up to you,holding a puppy*
"Hello.I'm Sam.This is Toppy,me pup."
*He runs off again,and a  tall middle-aged man walks up.*
"Hail and well met good traveler.M'names Carpenter,Erek Carpenter.
I meself am a carpenter,as was me father and his father before him.
Just see me if have any wood-work to be done,seeing as I am the best carpenter in Allusia."
"Erek Carpenter,stop that bragging this instant!"
*Calliope looks rather funny yelling at a man two heads taller than her.*
"But I am the best,else you wouldn't have asked me here in the first place."
"You are,but I'll live with the second best if you don't stop your flaunting!"
*Erek laughs good-naturedly,and walks off.Suddenly an old woman in a shapeless gray
dress falls down at Calliope's feet.The girl bends down,and turns the woman over 
onto her back.She is clearly unconcious.Calliope whistles again,and Squire Robin runs
over,concern clear on his face.Calliope looks at him tensely*
"Get a healer.Maeve would be best She knows how to handle this sort of thing."
*He hurries off,and she turns to you.*
"I'll have to get you another guide.I have to deal with this.Curse Fimer!He runs
those he catches until they can't run anymore,and leaves them for dead...."
*She laughs wryly,and shakes her head*
"I'm sorry."
*She calls to a boy in blue and purple livery,and he runs off.A minute later
he returns with a woman riding a horse....what?She's not riding!The woman is a centaur!*
"Thank the Goddess you're here Shery!Please take our visitor...somewhere."
*Just then an old woman who reminds you most of a rabbit shows up with stretcher and
lifts the invalid onto it,suprisingly strong.She and Robin take it up,and hurry off,Calliope following.*
"Hello.I'm Shery.Would you like the list of places we may go?"
*You nod,and she takes you thru a potted garden to a board with a list posted on it.You point
to your destination....*

This is my lovely Kira.My friend Jess sent her to me!
This is Lancelot,from LadyWizard.
This is Aeris,from myself.*l* So sweet,aren't they?

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*A tiny golden brown animal runs up to you,and rises to it's haunches.* "Don't be alarmed.This is Anai.Her name means 'Goldendust' in the ancient fairy language of Allusia."

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