Fallen Flower

Gently floating down the river of life
I am a fallen flower,
Caught up in a current of work and family.
Trying desperatly not to sink
Into the merky waters of monotony.

The water caresses my petals,
Taking me to places never yet explored.
The rocks tear away at me,
But each in turn makes me stronger,
Learning how to glide away from the next one like it.

I look up toward the sun.
It gives me hope. Knowing one day,
When there is nothing left of my petals,
and I have sunk deep into the brine
I will finaly be at peace again with the earth.


Afraid to write.
So many emotions swirling
Through my head.
About to explode from the pressure.

Trying to express each feeling
So perfectly
To allow the reader
To experience
What I do each day.

Yet no words seem to come.
Picture after picture
Fill my brain in a jumble of images
Only I could decipher,
But I cannot put them down in words.

Frustrated I put down my pen,
Sit back and enjoy
That which only I can.