Gotta love those X-men!



Yes, I know my site isn't the best around, but I doubt you'll find something exactly like it anywhere else!

I've got literally hundreds of X-men the Movie pics, the lost story boards, links that go to X-sites aaaall over the web. Plus I've got stuff you can't find anywhere else! Like info about the Marvel RPG in yahoo and even a few downloads of things like X-men skins for Yahoo Messenger.

Anyway, I'll be adding stuff from time to time, going crazy with the options of all I can do for you! So bookmark me! Have tons and tons of fun! And don't for get to email me about any glitches, questions or suggestions you have. I'd be more than happy to hear from you! ^_~


Image by John Watkins-Chow

Image by John Watkins-Chow

Movie Pics!
(Over a dozen pages of them and growing!)

The 'Lost Story Boards'
(Brian Singer's favorite part
that got cut!)

(X-men skins for YM and links to sites!)

Marvel RPG in Yahoo?
know you wanna check it out. ^_~ )

(Lots 'n' lots 'n' lots 'n' ... Well you get the point.)

Back to the X-mansion Page

Glitches, questions or suggestions? Email Katsy!

I'm Kurt Wagner (the girl version!)
What X-Men Character are You?