Gangs wandering in the wastelands
around the settlements
may chance upon archeotech lying unclaimed on the wastes, and if
they get a bit too excited about their find (almost definite), another
gang may hear about them and come rushing to cash in on the
small horde!
Terrain : As normal
Gangs : All sides may use all of their gang members
Setup : The defender places all of his models within
6" of the centre of the table. The attacker then sets up his models not within
12" of an enemy fighter. Infiltration/Tunnels/Vents may not be used. There are 2d6
loot counters randomly distributed within the defenders gang.
Starting the Game : Both sides roll a d6, highest score
goes first.
Ending the Game : Both sides take bottle rolls as normal.
If a gang bottles out, then the other side wins. Also, if the defender gets all standing
models off any table edge, the defender wins. The attacker also wins if he has control of
all the loot counters
Experience :
+d6 - survives
+5 - wounding hit
+10 - winning leader
+1 - having loot counter in possession of model at game end
Loot counters :
A counter does not impede a gangers ability to fight no matter how many he is carrying.
They are dropped if a fighter goes down or out They can be passed on from fighter to
fighter in they are in base to base contact (a good way to get them moved far in one
turn!).If a gang voluntarily bottles out, the gang gets the archeotech he had in his
possession. If a gang bottles out involuntarily, he will drop ALL the loot counters and
leg it! The winning gang gets all the remaining loot counters
After the game, roll a d6 for each loot counter
1. Useless, can be sold for 1 cred!
2-4. Can be sold for d6x5 creds
5. Can be sold for d6x10 creds
6. Roll again
1. Can be sold for 2d6x10 creds
2-3. Roll on archeotech table in outlanders
4. Roll on normal rare trade chart
5. d3 rolls on normal rare trade chart
5. Map to new turf! Add a random territory (from Sourcebook) to your
gang sheet
Any credits gained go into your income section