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Gangs in the underhive like playing around with
new equipment, and this craze of bikes started off
when an Orlock gang ambushed a Space Marine Scout
squad on bikes hunting a renegade Chaos Marine. The
Orlocks killed the Scouts, and stole the bikes. Since then
they have been duplicated and reused by all the gangs.

Cost 300 creds.

Strength 5, Toughness 6, Wounds 4, 4+ save.

Movement : either 9, 18, or 25" (slow, combat or fast speed) The bike can accelerate to any of these speeds, but may only decellerate by one speed group per turn.

Weapons : Twin linked boltguns with 45 degree fire arc to the front. Rider may fire a pistol, basic or special weapon instead, with a 360 degree arc.

Rider : Leaders or Gangers can ride bikes so long as they have the BIKE RIDER special skill. This is obtained by rolling 2 or 12 on the advance table, and choosing BIKE RIDER instead of any normal skill.

Buying a Bike : A gang can only purchase a bike if the model with the Bike Rider skill survives the next battle, and goes rare trading with the leader. The gang must forfeit one roll on the rare trade table chart to choose a bike (due to time taken).

Fixing the Bike : If the cost to repair is not paid after each game, the bike can not be used until it is paid.

Wounds Left to Repair Reason Cost in Credits
4 Buying fuel 20
3 Buying fuel, and minor repairs 35
2 Buying fuel, new parts 55
1 To refit the Engine, and fuel 80
0 To completely rebuild framework 115

Wounding the Bike :

Wounds Left Capabilities
4 Normal
3 No fast speed available
2 Guns only fire on 4+, plus no fast speed available
1 No guns available, maxspeed is slow (9")
0 Kaboom! Moves forward 3d6", then 2" blast with S4 hit, -1 save mod to anyone within template (rider gets taken out of action)

Hitting the Bike :

Roll to hit bike + rider as a whole, then roll a D6

1-2 : Hit rider
3-6 : Hit bike

Then roll to wound, etc as normal

Ramming :

Models get an Init. test to jump out of way. If failed then S5 hit, D3 damage, -2 sv mod.

This does of course pin the model.......