This part of the website is dedicated to the little man that makes me believe, without a doubt, that miracles happen every son, Caleb Angelus Lane.

He was born on February 23, 2002 at 5:48 PM. He was 7 pounds 7.6 ounces and was 20 inches long at birth.
The Baptism: May 26, 2002.
Here is a picture of the main players in the baptism [lft to rt: Sara Isett (Mom), Jake Isett (God-Father), Father Thomas Klein (The Priest), Marie Summerville (God-Mother, she's the one holding Caleb) and Trav Lane (Me).
This is my family: Sara (my fiance), Trav (Me) and Caleb (Little Man) outside the church after the baptism.
Caleb's First Feeding
These are some pictures from the first time Caleb got to eat solid food, if you can call rice cereal mixed with breast milk solid. I had the honor of being the one to do it. If you look at the third picture, you can see that I missed his mouth a couple times.
Caleb's First Time Swimming
Caleb's first time swiimming was a pretty cool experience. My little man is a gonna be a WaterBoy (no Adam Sandler reference intended). As soon as he got in the pool at my sister's house he smiled and began to kick. He did a little "frog kick" thing with his legs. It was so cool. Wehen we were getting ready to leave, I dunked him under the water. When he came back up, all he did was take a breath and grinned. He didn't cry or anything. He loved it.
Little SGT Lane (Chairborne Ranger)
Last, but certainly not of Caleb in an army uniform that came of a 2-foot tall teddy bear that I had gotten him from the Post Exchange on Fort Detrick, Maryland.
"Sunglasses should be part of the duty uniform...What do you think?"
"...And I told him, "That was my first time driving a tank. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha."
"I'll be ready to jump out of that C-130 as soon as I find my socks. Just give me a minute to remember where I put them."
"Should I use this picture on my ID card or DA photo?"
"Here's a picture of my favorite military man, my Dad. He's tougher than Rambo and better looking that GI Joe."