Ragpants' Links

J/C Links

JetC11 Homepage

I'm a proud member of 2 JetC groups and listmom for this one. Stories. Original fan artwork. Pro artwork. Trek book reviews. Episode reviews in the Torpedo Room. Lots of goodies here.

JetC 17 Archive

My other JetC group and a fine bunch of writers. Visit the archive for lots of wonderful stories.>

Voyager 1001 Stories Challenge Page

The best, IMHO, J/C writers' group. Their challenges to each other have resulted in a bunch of really wonderful stories. Definitely worth a look.

Voyager 1001 Stories Cycle

The project is done! Scheradzade on Voyager.>

The Official J/C Story Index

The definitive listing of all J/C stories and authors on the Web. A must.

Other Voyager Links

Delta Blues

Jim Wright's episode reviews are both accurate and terribly funny. He's got a synopsis of every one of Voyager's 7 seasons of episodes with a witty breakdown and commentary. A must read.

The ASC Archivecenter>

The motherlode of Trek fiction! This is the archive of the alt.startrek.creative newsgroup.This site houses all kinds of fiction from G to NC-17, from all five series.

Voyager Virtual Season 7.5

Now that the show has finished it's run, this group of fanwriters has decided to write their own version of the series. Their point of departure is midway through Season 7. Voyager has not yet gotten back to Earth. Now posting its second season.

Star Trek: Voyager Virtual Season 8

This group of fan writers continues Voyager's adventures. Voyager has returned to Earth as per canon, but the adventure has only just begun. Now posting its second season.

Science Fiction Sites

One does not live by Star Trek alone. Although I have been a Trek fan since the Original Series first premiered in 1966, I was a SF fan before that, having already discovered Bradbury's Illustrated Man and Heinlein's rather silly juveniles. I later graduated to filching my Dad's Analog magazines and have been hooked ever since.....

Catherine Asaro

Asaro is currently one of my favorite sf writers. She is the author of the Skolian Empire series. Quantum Rose won the Nebula for best novel in 2001. Her site offers downloadable chapters from her novels, links to her scientific publications, reviews of her work and interviews with the author.

The Bujold Nexus - The Lois McMaster Bujold Homepage

A fan run site devoted to LMB and her characters. Includes the Miles Minions' mailing list and links to her newest Vorkosigan novel, Diplomatic Immunity, as well as her recent fantasy, The Curse of Chalion. Downloadable chapters.

The SFF Net

A web devoted to genre writing of all kinds, although Science fiction and fantasy seem to dominate it. Tons of writers' homesites, newsgroups, pictures,and an e-zine devoted to SF short fiction and SF news. (Try checking out the SFF newsgroups, you'll find many of your favorite Trek profic authors posting there.)


One of the oldest continuously published SF magazines. Story excerpts. Monthly science columns. Book reviews. Searchable database of authors and stories published in Analog since 1981.

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine

Sister publication to Analog--a SF zine founded by Isaac himself. Of a more literary bent than Analog.

The SF Site

One of the most comprehensive web-base SF and F review sites. Book reviews, media reviews, opinion columns, letters, links and an excellent searchable database of SF & F authors. (The Internet Speculative Fiction Database)


Science Sites

What is science fiction without science? The sites below are general interest science, engineering and technology sites. Nothing terribly technical--and some spectacular pictures!

Hubble Space Telescope

Unbelievably beautiful pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope. Sometime busy and slow to download, but worth the wait.

Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy Page

Can't tell a parsec and parsnip? This professional astronomer can explain the difference without getting technical. He'll also explain why, in space, no one can hear you scream.


Discover magazine is a treasure trove of general interest science articles. Monthly "what's happening" column. Links to current hot topic sites.

Subject Index of Alternate View columns by John G. Cramer

A decades worth of Alternate View columns originally published in Analog by Univ. of Washington physicist and SF author, John Cramer

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