Do you have a penis or vagina? How many years have you been wandering this earth?
Which is a better method of shutting up a child? Duct tape Krazy Glue The skin of a scrotum, freshly shorn Poison cookie
What is your favorite murder weapon? A Spatula A Spork Melon Baller A shoddily repaired cheese grater
If you could make your own concoction of alcohols, what name would be closest to your drink? Zing! Sex with a transvestite Flies Fucking Herpes Simplex B
Of the choices below, who is your favorite Looney Toons character? Bugs Bunny Yosemite Sam Roadrunner Wyle E. Coyote Tweety
What should be the new Lucky Charms marshmallow? Disembodied kneecap The Gallilean Satellites An erect nipple Osama Bin Laden's head